…he welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.
This final verse of the book of Acts (28:31) is Luke’s last witness to the remarkable career of the Apostle Paul. It first came to my attention a few months ago when I was working on a manuscript by David Bivin, director of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research. He cited this text on his dedicatory page, honoring his mentor, pastor and friend, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey.*
This scripture’s apt characterization of Dr. Lindsey’s life and four decades of ministry in Israel came back to mind last week when we received the report of his death. On the evening of May 31, following a long illness, he passed over from an earthly dwelling to an eternal habitation—to be with the Lord whose kingdom he so forcefully proclaimed and about whom he so brilliantly taught.
Many of his disciples, friends and admirers assembled on June 7 at the Narkis Street Baptist Church in Jerusalem to bear witness to the remarkable life of this godly pastor and gifted scholar. Eighteen speakers, including Professor David Flusser of the Hebrew University and Teddy Kollek, longtime mayor of Jerusalem, honored Dr. Lindsey with moving words of respect and recollection.
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![]() Lindsey in a moment of reflection (circa 1975–1980; photo: Kurt Ben-Joseph). Following the death of Robert L. Lindsey on May 31, 1995, Jerusalem Perspective magazine published a memorial issue (October-December 1995, No. 49). Included in that issue were eight tributes to Lindsey written by his colleagues and students, including that of Dwight Pryor above. These tributes provide glimpses of his remarkable life and work. “How to Know Jesus? Follow Lindsey!” by David Flusser “Practicing What He Preached” by Halvor Ronning “Blessed Be the Faithful Judge!” by David Bivin “The Jesus Who Changes People’s Lives!” by Steven Notley “To My Teacher, Pastor and Beloved Friend” by Brad Young “A Doer of His Father’s Will” by Joseph Frankovic “Excerpts from a Eulogy” by Ken Mullican |