From Gods to God is an enjoyable read for anyone wishing to take a deeper look into stories from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Plant a Tree in Israel to Honor David Bivin

With a donation of $18 a tree will be planted in Israel in David’s honor as a lasting tribute to his lifetime of achievement.
Unearthed Treasures: English Versions of Previously Untranslated Flusser Articles

Check out these translations at
Indispensable Resource Now Free

The Jewish People in the First Century is now available to all users of the internet who have registered with the Internet Archive for an e-library card.
Three Synoptic Studies Resources Now Free

Jerusalem Perspective has made three foundational resources for the study of the Synoptic Gospels freely available to the public via the Internet Archive.
Flusser’s Jesus in Spanish and Russian

Spanish and Russian translations of David Flusser’s biography of Jesus are now freely available on the Internet Archive.
Jesus, His Mother and Brothers: A Test Case for Lindsey’s Hypothesis

How does Lindsey’s solution to the Synoptic Problem measure up when applied to the story of “Jesus, His Mother and Brothers”? Watch this video to find out.
The Importance of Bible Geography for Understanding Jesus

The complete 2006 lecture is now accessible to JP users. View now!
Why Rabbinic Literature Is Pertinent to the Study of the Gospels

The complete 2006 lecture is now accessible to JP users. View now!
Garden Past Gethsemane by Brian and Toni Becker

I wholehearted recommend listening to this beautiful song, written by JP’s own Brian Becker and his lovely wife Toni.
Yeshua’s High Self-Awareness and the Christology of Paul and the Early Church

The complete 2006 lecture is now accessible to JP users. View now!