Download Bible studies and sermons recorded at the the Narkis Street Congretation where the late Rev. Dr. Robert L. Lindsey conducted his ministry in Jerusalem. In these sermons and Bible Studies, four of Pastor Lindsey’s students (New Testament scholars, Randall Buth, R. Steven Notley, Halvor Ronning and David Bivin) express their faith and build up members of their congregation with teaching from the Scriptures.

The sermons “The Strength of Weakness,” “Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin” and “Blessed Are those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness” by David Bivin; “Ruth 3: Putting Your History Behind You” by Randall Buth; and “Matthew 5:5: Blessed Are the Meek” by Halvor Ronning are unrestricted and freely available to everyone.
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