Updated: 11 January 2025
The basic premise of The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction is that a significant number of the stories recorded in the Synoptic Gospels ultimately derive from a source written in Hebrew, most likely by a disciple who was an eyewitness to the events he recorded. This Hebrew Life of Yeshua was subsequently translated into Greek and underwent a process of editing in which component parts of narrative-sayings complexes were broken up, and these literary fragments were then rearranged according to genre. At a later stage another editor attempted to put the literary fragments together into a continuous narrative. Finally, the canonical authors of Matthew, Mark and Luke incorporated these pre-synoptic sources into their Gospels. (For a full account of the process outlined above, see “Introduction to The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction.”)
Because we believe the Hebrew Life of Yeshua was ordered differently than any of the canonical Gospels, we have provided a Map of the Conjectured Hebrew Life of Yeshua that presents the Gospel stories in the conjectured order in which they originally appeared. But since readers may wish to simply look up a Gospel passage in the reconstruction we have provided this key for easy reference. Links to the reconstruction and accompanying commentary will appear in this key as they become available.
Readers will notice that not every Gospel passage below has a corresponding reconstruction (these are marked in grey). This is because not all passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke are believed to have descended from the Hebrew Life of Yeshua. Some verses are the product of the canonical authors themselves as they wrote connecting sentences to stitch their sources together. Other passages are un-Hebraic in their style and appear to have been composed in Greek. This does not mean that the excluded passages are uninspired, deutrocanonical or inaccurate, but only that they are derived from a source other than the Hebrew Life of Yeshua.

Click here to view the Map of the Conjectured Hebrew Life of Yeshua.
Click here to skip to Mark. Click here to skip to Luke. ![]() |
- 1:1-17 Yeshua’s Genealogy
- 18-25 Jesus’ Birth
- 2:1-12 Magi Seek the King of the Jews
- 13-23 Jesus’ Family in Egypt
- 3:1-6 A Voice Crying
- 7-10 Yohanan the Immerser Demands Repentance
- 11-12 Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse
- 13-17 Yeshua’s Immersion
- 4:1-11 Yeshua’s Testing
- 12 Return to the Galil
- 13-16 Teaching in Kefar Nahum
- 17 Return to the Galil
- 18-22 Yeshua Calls His First Disciples
- 23-5:1 Yeshua Attends to the Crowds
- 5:2-10 Beatitudes
- 11-12 Blessing in Persecution
- 13 Savory Salt
- 14-16 Hiding a Lamp
- 17-18 Heaven and Earth Pass Away
- 19 Doing and Teaching the Commandments
- 20 More Righteous than the Scribes and Pharisees
- 21-22 Murder
- 23-24 Approaching the Altar
- 25-26 Settle out of Court
- 27-28 Adultery
- 29-30 Show Yourself No Mercy
- 31-32 Divorce
- 33-37 Swearing
- 38-48 Loving Enemies
- 6:1-4 Almsgiving
- 5-6 Prayer
- 7-8 Praying Like Gentiles
- 9-15 Lord’s Prayer
- 16-18 Fasting
- 19-21 Treasure in Heaven
- 22-23 A Good Eye
- 24 Serving Two Masters
- 25-34 Yeshua’s Discourse on Worry
- 7:1-2 Measure for Measure
- 3-5 Hypocrisy
- 6 Profaning the Holy
- 7-8 Friend in Need simile
- 9-11 Fathers Give Good Gifts simile
- 12 Loving Enemies
- 13-14 Narrow Gate
- 15 Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
- 16-20 Fruit of the Heart
- 21 Houses on Rock and Sand parable
- 22-23 Closed Door
- 24-27 Houses on Rock and Sand parable
- 28a Sermon’s End
- 28b-29 Teaching in Kefar Nahum
- 8:1-4 Man With Scale Disease
- 5-10 Centurion’s Slave
- 11-12 Coming From All Directions
- 13 Centurion’s Slave
- 14-15 Shimon’s Mother-in-law
- 16-17 Healings and Exorcisms
- 18 Quieting a Storm
- 19-22 Not Everyone Can Be Yeshua’s Disciple
- 23-27 Quieting a Storm
- 28-9:1 Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory
- 9:2-8 Bedridden Man
- 9-13 Call of Levi
- 14-17 Question About Fasting
- 18-26 Yair’s Daughter and a Woman’s Faith
- 27-31 Healing Two Men of Blindness
- 32-34 The Finger of God
- 35 Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
- 36 Sheep Without a Shepherd
- 37-38 Sending the Twelve: “The Harvest is Plentiful”
- 10:1 Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
- 2-4 Choosing the Twelve
- 5a Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
- 5b-10 Sending the Twelve: Conduct on the Road
- 11-15 Sending the Twelve: Conduct in Town
- 16a Sending the Twelve: “A Flock Among Wolves”
- 16b
- 17-20 Testifying Before Authorities
- 21-22a Betrayal of Friends
- 22b Steadfastness
- 23 Completion
- 24-25 Disciple and Master
- 26-27 Nothing Hidden
- 28-31 Hair of Your Head
- 32-33 Acknowledgement of the Son of Man
- 34-36 Division
- 37-38 Demands of Discipleship
- 39 Preserving and Destroying
- 40-42 Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
- 11:1 Sending the Twelve: Conduct in Town
- 2-6 Yohanan the Immerser’s Question
- 7-11 Yeshua’s Words about Yohanan the Immerser
- 12-13 The Kingdom of Heaven Is Increasing
- 14-15 John the Baptist Is Elijah
- 16-19 Like Children Complaining
- 20-24 Woes on Three Villages
- 25-26 Yeshua’s Thanksgiving Hymn
- 27 Father and Son
- 28-30 Comfort for Heavy-laden
- 12:1-8 Lord of Shabbat
- 9-14 Man’s Contractured Arm
- 15-21 Yeshua Attends to the Crowds
- 22-28 The Finger of God
- 29 Spoils of the Strong
- 30 To Gather Or Scatter
- 31-32 Speaking Against the Son of Man
- 33-34 Fruit of the Heart
- 35 Trained Scribe
- 36-37 Giving Account on Judgment Day
- 38-40 Sign-Seeking Generation
- 41-42 Generations That Repented Long Ago
- 43-45 Impure Spirit’s Return
- 46-50 Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers
- 13:1-9 Four Soils parable
- 10 Four Soils interpretation
- 11-15 Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
- 16-17 Blessedness of the Twelve
- 18-23 Four Soils interpretation
- 24-30 Darnel Among the Wheat parable
- 31-33 Mustard Seed and Starter Dough parables
- 34-35 Speaking in Parables
- 36-43 Darnel Among the Wheat parable (interpretation)
- 44-46 Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl parables
- 47-51 Bad Fish Among the Good
- 52 Trained Scribe
- 53 Parables Discourse’s End
- 54-58 Nazarene Synagogue
- 14:1-2 Herodes Wonders About Yeshua
- 3-12 Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution
- 13-21 Miraculous Feeding (5,000)
- 22-33 Walking on Water
- 34-36 Gennesaret
- 15:1-13 True Source of Impurity
- 14 A Blind Guide
- 15-20 True Source of Impurity
- 21-28 Jesus and a Canaanite Woman
- 29-39 Miraculous Feeding (4,000)
- 16:1 Sign-Seeking Generation
- 2-3 Interpreting the Time
- 4 Sign-Seeking Generation
- 5-12 Warning About Leavened Bread
- 13-20 Petros’ Confession
- 21-23 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 24 Demands of Discipleship
- 25 Preserving and Destroying
- 26 Rich Fool parable
- 27 Acknowledgement of the Son of Man
- 28 Completion
- 17:1-9 Transfiguration
- 10-13 Elijah Must Come First
- 14-19 Boy Delivered from Demon
- 20 Faith Like a Mustard Seed
- 21 Boy Delivered from Demon
- 22-23 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 24-27 Half Shekel
- 18:1-4 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 5 Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
- 6-7 Causing to Stumble
- 8-9 Show Yourself No Mercy
- 10-14 Lost Sheep simile
- 15-17 Reproof
- 18 Binding and Loosing
- 19-20 Small Gatherings
- 21-22 Seven-fold Pardon
- 23-19:1 Unforgiving Slave parable
- 19:2-9 Divorce
- 10-12 Eunuchs for the Kingdom
- 13-15 Yeshua Blesses Children
- 16-27 Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven
- 28 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 29 Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven
- 30 First and Last
- 20:1-15 Generous Householder parable
- 16 First and Last
- 17-19 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 20-24 Sons of Zebedee
- 25-28 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 29-34 Man Healed of Blindness
- 21:1-11 Entering Yerushalayim
- 12-17 Yeshua’s Protest in the Temple
- 18-20 Withered Fig Tree
- 21-22 Faith Like a Mustard Seed
- 23-27 Questioning Yeshua’s Authority
- 28-31a Two Sons parable
- 31b-32 Refusing John the Baptist
- 33-46 Wicked Tenants parable
- 22:1-14 Great Banquet parable
- 15-22 Tribute to Caesar
- 23-33 Question Concerning Resurrection
- 34-40 Torah Expert’s Question
- 41-46 David’s Son
- 23:1-3 Moses’ Seat
- 4 Woes Against Scribes and Pharisees
- 5a Moses’ Seat
- 5b-7 Making a Show
- 8-10 Forbidden Titles
- 11 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 12 Humiliation and Exaltation (Places of Honor)
- 13-33 Woes Against Scribes and Pharisees
- 34-36 Innocent Blood
- 37-39 Lament for Yerushalayim
- 24:1-3 Temple’s Destruction Foretold
- 4-6 Like Lightning
- 7-8 Tumultuous Times
- 9a Testifying Before Authorities
- 9b-12 Betrayal of Friends
- 13 Steadfastness
- 14 Testifying Before Authorities
- 15-16 Yerushalayim Besieged
- 17-18 Lesson of Lot’s Wife
- 19-21 Yerushalayim Besieged
- 22 For the Sake of the Elect
- 23 Like Lightning
- 24-25 Deceiving the Elect
- 26-27 Like Lightning
- 28 Carrion Birds
- 29-31 Son of Man’s Coming
- 32-33 Fig Tree parable
- 34-35 Completion
- 36 Day and Hour Unknown
- 37-39 Days of the Son of Man
- 40-41 Indiscriminate Catastrophe
- 42 Be Ready for the Son of Man
- 43-44 Unexpected Thief
- 45-51 Faithful or Faithless Slave (Part 2)
- 25:1-13 Waiting Maidens parable
- 14-30 Entrusted Funds parable
- 31-46 Judging the Gentiles
- 26:1-5 Conspiracy Against Yeshua
- 6-13 Anointing in Bethany
- 14-16 Betrayal by Yehudah of Keriyot
- 17-19 Preparations for Eating the Passover Lamb
- 20 Passover Meal (Last Supper)
- 21-25 Betrayal Foretold
- 26-30 Passover Meal (Last Supper)
- 31-35 Petros’ Denial Foretold
- 36-46 Gat Shemanim
- 47-57 Yeshua’s Arrest
- 58 Petros’ Denial (Part 1)
- 59-66 High Priest Interrogates Yeshua
- 67-68 Yeshua Beaten
- 69-75 Petros’ Denial (Part 2)
- 27:1-2 Yeshua Turned Over to Pilatos
- 3-10 Judas’ Suicide
- 11-14 Pilatos Interrogates Yeshua
- 15-26 Pilatos Sentences Yeshua
- 27-31 Guards Mock Jesus
- 32 Shimon of Kireni
- 33-44 Yeshua’s Crucifixion
- 45-54 Yeshua’s Death
- 55-56 Sympathetic Witnesses (Part 1)
- 57-60 Yeshua’s Burial
- 61 Sympathetic Witnesses (Part 2)
- 62-66 Guard at the Tomb (Part 1)
- 28:1-10 Empty Tomb
- 11-15 (Guard at the Tomb (Part 2)
- 16-20 Great Commission
Click here to skip to Matthew. Click here to skip to Luke. ![]() |
- 1:1-6 A Voice Crying
- 7-8 Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse
- 9-11 Yeshua’s Immersion
- 12-13 Yeshua’s Testing
- 14-15 Return to the Galil
- 16-20 Yeshua Calls His First Disciples
- 21-28 Teaching in Kefar Nahum
- 29-31 Shimon’s Mother-in-law
- 32-34 Healings and Exorcisms
- 35-39 A Deserted Place
- 40-45 Man With Scale Disease
- 2:1-12 Bedridden Man
- 13-17 Call of Levi
- 18-22 Question About Fasting
- 23-28 Lord of Shabbat
- 3:1-6 Man’s Contractured Arm
- 7-12 Yeshua Attends to the Crowds
- 13-19 Choosing the Twelve
- 20-21 Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers (Part 1)
- 22-26 The Finger of God
- 27 Spoils of the Strong
- 28-30 Speaking Against the Son of Man
- 31-35 Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers (Part 2)
- 4:1-9 Four Soils parable
- 10 Four Soils interpretation
- 11-12 Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
- 13-20 Four Soils interpretation
- 21 Hiding a Lamp
- 22 Nothing Hidden
- 23
- 24 Measure for Measure
- 25 Entrusted Funds parable
- 26-29 Spontaneous Growth parable
- 30-32 Mustard Seed parable
- 33-34 Speaking in Parables
- 35-41 Quieting a Storm
- 5:1-20 Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory
- 21-43 Yair’s Daughter and a Woman’s Faith
- 6:1-6a Nazarene Synagogue
- 6b-7 Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
- 8-9 Sending the Twelve: Conduct on the Road
- 10-13 Sending the Twelve: Conduct in Town
- 14-16 Herodes Wonders About Yeshua
- 17-29 Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution
- 30 Return of the Twelve
- 31-44 Miraculous Feeding (5,000)
- 45-52 Walking on Water
- 53-56 Gennesaret
- 7:1-23 True Source of Impurity
- 24-30 Jesus and a Canaanite Woman
- 31-37 Phoenicia, Galilee, and the Decapolis
- 8:1-10 Miraculous Feeding (4,000)
- 11-13 Sign-Seeking Generation
- 14-21 Warning About Leavened Bread
- 22-26 Two-Stage Healing in Bethsaida
- 27-30 Petros’ Confession
- 31-33 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 34 Demands of Discipleship
- 35 Preserving and Destroying
- 36-37 Rich Fool parable
- 38 Acknowledgement of the Son of Man
- 9:1 Completion
- 2-10 Transfiguration
- 11-13 Elijah Must Come First
- 14-29 Boy Delivered from Demon
- 30-32 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 33-36
- 37 Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
- 38-40
- 41 Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
- 42 Causing to Stumble
- 43-48 Show Yourself No Mercy
- 49-50 Savory Salt
- 10:1-12 Divorce
- 13-16 Yeshua Blesses Children
- 17-30 Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven
- 31 First and Last
- 32-34 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 35-41 Sons of Zebedee
- 42-45 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 46-52 Man Healed of Blindness
- 11:1-11 Entering Yerushalayim
- 12-14 Withered Fig Tree (Part 1)
- 15-19 Yeshua’s Protest in the Temple
- 20-21 Withered Fig Tree (Part 2)
- 22-24 Faith Like a Mustard Seed
- 25 Lord’s Prayer
- [26]
- 27-33 Questioning Yeshua’s Authority
- 12:1-12 Wicked Tenants parable
- 13-17 Tribute to Caesar
- 18-27 Question Concerning Resurrection
- 28-34 Torah Expert’s Question
- 35-37a David’s Son
- 37b-40 Making a Show
- 41-44 Widow’s Gift
- 13:1-4 Temple’s Destruction Foretold
- 5-7 Like Lightning
- 8 Tumultuous Times
- 9-11 Testifying Before Authorities
- 12-13a Betrayal of Friends
- 13b Steadfastness
- 14 Yerushalayim Besieged
- 15-16 Lesson of Lot’s Wife
- 17-19 Yerushalayim Besieged
- 20 For the Sake of the Elect
- 21 Like Lightning
- 22-23 Deceiving the Elect
- 24-27 Son of Man’s Coming
- 28-29 Fig Tree parable
- 30 Completion
- 31 Heaven and Earth Pass Away
- 32 Day and Hour Unknown
- 33-37 Be Ready for the Son of Man
- 14:1-2 Conspiracy Against Yeshua
- 3-9 Anointing in Bethany
- 10-11 Betrayal by Yehudah of Keriyot
- 12-16 Preparations for Eating the Passover Lamb
- 17 Passover Meal (Last Supper)
- 18-21 Betrayal Foretold
- 22-26 Passover Meal (Last Supper)
- 27-31 Petros’ Denial Foretold
- 32-42 Gat Shemanim
- 43-53 Yeshua’s Arrest
- 54 Petros’ Denial (Part 1)
- 55-64 High Priest Interrogates Yeshua
- 65 Yeshua Beaten
- 66-72 Petros’ Denial (Part 2)
- 15:1 Yeshua Turned Over to Pilatos
- 2-5 Pilatos Interrogates Yeshua
- 6-15 Pilatos Sentences Yeshua
- 16-20 Guards Mock Jesus
- 21 Shimon of Kireni
- 22-32 Yeshua’s Crucifixion
- 33-39 Yeshua’s Death
- 40-41 Sympathetic Witnesses (Part 1)
- 42-46 Yeshua’s Burial
- 47 Sympathetic Witnesses (Part 2)
- 16:1-8 Empty Tomb
Click here to skip to Matthew. Click here to skip to Mark. ![]() |
Pericopae with a blue background have been identified as stemming from Luke’s first source, the Anthology (Anth.).
Pericopae with a pink background have been identified as stemming from Luke’s second source, the First Reconstruction (FR).
- 1:1-4 Introduction
- 5-22 Gavriel Announces Yohanan the Immerser’s Birth
- 23-25 Elisheva Conceives Yohanan the Immerser
- 26-38 Gavriel Announces Yeshua’s Birth
- 39-56 Miryam Visits Elisheva
- 57-66 Yohanan the Immerser Is Born and Circumcised
- 67-80 Zecharyah’s Hymn of Praise
- 2:1-21 Yeshua Is Born and Circumcised
- 22-40 Infant Yeshua in the Temple
- 41-52 Yeshua in his Father’s House
- 3:1-6 A Voice Crying
- 7-9 Yohanan the Immerser Demands Repentance
- 10-14 Yohanan the Immerser’s Exhortations
- 15-17 Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse
- 18-20 Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution
- 21-22 Yeshua’s Immersion
- 23-38 Yeshua’s Genealogy
- 4:1-13 Yeshua’s Testing
- 14-15 Return to the Galil
- 16-30 Nazarene Synagogue
- 31-37 Teaching in Kefar Nahum
- 38-39 Shimon’s Mother-in-law
- 40-41 Healings and Exorcisms
- 42-44 A Deserted Place
- 5:1-11 Yeshua Calls His First Disciples
- 12-16 Man With Scale Disease
- 17-26 Bedridden Man
- 27-32 Call of Levi
- 33-39 Question About Fasting
- 6:1-5 Lord of Shabbat
- 6-11 Man’s Contractured Arm
- 12-16 Choosing the Twelve
- 17-19 Yeshua Attends to the Crowds
- 20-21 Beatitudes
- 22-23 Blessing in Persecution
- 24-26 Beatitudes
- 27-36 Loving Enemies
- 37-38 Measure for Measure
- 39 A Blind Guide
- 40 Disciple and Master
- 41-42 Hypocrisy
- 43-45 Fruit of the Heart
- 46-49 Houses on Rock and Sand parable
- 7:1 Sermon’s End
- 2-10 Centurion’s Slave
- 11-17 Widow’s Son in Nain
- 18-23 Yohanan the Immerser’s Question
- 24-28 Yeshua’s Words about Yohanan the Immerser
- 29-28 Refusing John the Baptist
- 31-35 Like Children Complaining
- 36-50 Yeshua Dines with a Pharisee
- 8:1-3 Ministering Women
- 4-8 Four Soils parable
- 9 Four Soils interpretation
- 10 Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
- 11-15 Four Soils interpretation
- 16 Hiding a Lamp
- 17 Nothing Hidden
- 18 Entrusted Funds parable
- 19-21 Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers
- 22-25 Quieting a Storm
- 26-39 Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory
- 40-56 Yair’s Daughter and a Woman’s Faith
- 9:1-2 Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
- 3 Sending the Twelve: Conduct on the Road
- 4-6 Sending the Twelve: Conduct in Town
- 7-9 Herodes Wonders About Yeshua
- 10a Return of the Twelve
- 10b-17 Miraculous Feeding
- 18-21 Petros’ Confession
- 22 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 23 Demands of Discipleship
- 24 Preserving and Destroying
- 25 Rich Fool parable
- 26 Acknowledgement of the Son of Man
- 27 Completion
- 28-36 Transfiguration
- 37-43a Boy Delivered from Demon
- 43b-45 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 46-47 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 48 Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
- 49-50 Exorcism in Yeshua’s Name
- 51-56 Samaritan Villagers
- 57-62 Not Everyone Can Be Yeshua’s Disciple
- 10:1 Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
- 2-3 Sending the Twelve: “The Harvest is Plentiful” and “A Flock Among Wolves”
- 4 Sending the Twelve: Conduct on the Road
- 5-12 Sending the Twelve: Conduct in Town
- 13-15 Woes on Three Villages
- 16 Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
- 17-20 Return of the Twelve
- 21 Yeshua’s Thanksgiving Hymn
- 22 Father and Son
- 23-24 Blessedness of the Twelve
- 25-28 Torah Expert’s Question
- 29-37 Good Samaritan parable
- 38-42 Miryam and Marta
- 11:1-4 Lord’s Prayer
- 5-10 Friend in Need simile
- 11-13 Fathers Give Good Gifts simile
- 14-15 The Finger of God
- 16 Sign-Seeking Generation
- 17-20 The Finger of God
- 21-22 Spoils of the Strong
- 23 To Gather Or Scatter
- 24-26 Impure Spirit’s Return
- 27-28 A Woman’s Misplaced Blessing
- 29-30 Sign-Seeking Generation
- 31-32 Generations That Repented Long Ago
- 33 Hiding a Lamp
- 34-36 A Good Eye
- 37-48 Woes Against Scribes and Pharisees
- 49-51 Innocent Blood
- 52-54 Woes Against Scribes and Pharisees
- 12:1 Warning About Leavened Bread
- 2-3 Nothing Hidden
- 4-7 Hair of Your Head
- 8-9 Acknowledgement of the Son of Man
- 10 Speaking Against the Son of Man
- 11-12 Testifying Before Authorities
- 13-15 Divide the Inheritance!
- 16-21 Rich Fool parable
- 22-31 Yeshua’s Discourse on Worry
- 32 Little Flock
- 33-34 Treasure in Heaven
- 35-38 Faithful or Faithless Slave (Part 1)
- 39-40 Unexpected Thief
- 41-46 Faithful or Faithless Slave (Part 2)
- 47-48 Proportionality
- 49-50 Immersion of Fire
- 51-53 Division
- 54-56 Interpreting the Time
- 57-59 Settle out of Court
- 13:1-5 Calamities in Yerushalayim
- 6-9 Unfruitful Fig Tree parable
- 10-17 Daughter of Avraham
- 18-21 Mustard Seed and Starter Dough parables
- 22-24 Narrow Gate
- 25-27 Closed Door
- 28-29 Coming From All Directions
- 30 First and Last
- 31-33 Two Pharisees Warn Yeshua
- 34-35 Lament for Yerushalayim
- 14:1-6 Man With Edema
- 7-11 Places of Honor
- 12-14 Open Invitation
- 15-24 Great Banquet parable
- 25-27 Demands of Discipleship
- 28-32 Tower Builder and King Going to War similes
- 33 Demands of Discipleship
- 34-35 Savory Salt
- 15:1-2 Call of Levi
- 3-10 Lost Sheep and Lost Coin similes
- 11-32 Prodigal Son parable
- 16:1-12 Shrewd Manager parable
- 13 Serving Two Masters
- 14-15 People Who Justify Themselves
- 16 The Kingdom of Heaven Is Increasing
- 17 Heaven and Earth Pass Away
- 18 Divorce
- 19-31 Rich Man and Lazar parable
- 17:1-2 Causing to Stumble
- 3 Reproof
- 4 Seven-fold Pardon
- 5-6 Faith Like a Mustard Seed
- 7-10 Expecting Reward
- 11-19 Ten Men with Scale Disease
- 20-21 The Kingdom Is Among You
- 22-25 Like Lightning
- 26-30 Days of the Son of Man
- 31-32 Lesson of Lot’s Wife
- 33 Preserving and Destroying
- 34-35[36] Indiscriminate Catastrophe
- 37 Carrion Birds
- 18:1-8 Persistent Widow parable
- 9-14a Pharisee and Toll Collector parable
- 14b Humiliation and Exaltation (Places of Honor)
- 15-17 Yeshua Blesses Children
- 18-30 Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven
- 31-34 Yeshua Predicts his Martyrdom
- 35-43 Man Healed of Blindness
- 19:1-10 Zakkai the Toll Collector
- 11-27 Entrusted Funds parable
- 28-40 Entering Yerushalayim
- 41-44 Yerushalayim’s Destruction Foretold
- 45-48 Yeshua’s Protest in the Temple
- 20:1-8 Questioning Yeshua’s Authority
- 9-19 Wicked Tenants parable
- 20-26 Tribute to Caesar
- 27-40 Question Concerning Resurrection
- 41-44 David’s Son
- 45-47 Making a Show
- 21:1-4 Widow’s Gift
- 5-7 Temple’s Destruction Foretold
- 8-9 Like Lightning
- 10-11 Tumultuous Times
- 12-15 Testifying Before Authorities
- 16-17 Betrayal of Friends
- 18 Hair of Your Head
- 19 Steadfastness
- 20-24 Yerushalayim Besieged
- 25-27 Son of Man’s Coming
- 28-31 Fig Tree parable
- 32 Completion
- 33 Heaven and Earth Pass Away
- 34-36 Be Ready for the Son of Man
- 37-38 Summary of Days Teaching in the Temple
- 22:1-2 Conspiracy Against Yeshua
- 3-6 Betrayal by Yehudah of Keriyot
- 7-13 Preparations for Eating the Passover Lamb
- 14-20 Passover Meal (Last Supper)
- 21-23 Betrayal Foretold
- 24-30 Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven
- 31-34 Petros’ Denial Foretold
- 35-38 Two Swords
- 39-46 Gat Shemanim
- 47-54a Yeshua’s Arrest
- 54b-62 Petros’ Denial
- 63-65 Yeshua Beaten
- 66-71 High Priest Interrogates Yeshua
- 23:1 Yeshua Turned Over to Pilatos
- 2-5 Pilatos Interrogates Yeshua
- 6-16 Herodes Interrogates Yeshua
- 17-25 Pilatos Sentences Yeshua
- 26 Shimon of Kireni
- 27-31 Daughters of Yerushalayim
- 32-43 Yeshua’s Crucifixion
- 44-48 Yeshua’s Death
- 49 Sympathetic Witnesses (Part 1)
- 50-54 Yeshua’s Burial
- 55-56 Sympathetic Witnesses (Part 2)
- 24:1-12 Empty Tomb
- 13-35 Road to Motza
- 36-49 Yeshua Appears in Yerushalayim
- 50-53 Ascension
- 1:1-5 Prologue
- 6-8 When Will the Kingdom Be Restored?
- 9-12 Ascension