Hebrew Nuggets is an article series that introduces beginners to Hebrew letters, Hebrew vocabulary and spiritual insights from the Hebrew tradition.

JP uses a system which hopefully elicits from English readers a pronunciation that comes close to the Hebrew.
Hebrew Nuggets is an article series that introduces beginners to Hebrew letters, Hebrew vocabulary and spiritual insights from the Hebrew tradition.
Comments 1
While we cannot confirm the veracity of your assertions, we can answer your question about why JP spells Jesus’ name the way it does. “Jesus” is simply the way he Hebrew name “Yeshua” entered English via Greek and Latin. “Jesus” is simply the anglicized version of the Hebrew name “Yeshua,” just as “Jerusalem” is the anglicized version of the Hebrew name “Yerushalayim.” Check out the FAQ entitled “Why does Jerusalem Perspective use the Greek name ‘Jesus’ instead of ‘Y’shua’ or ‘Yeshua’?“