To mark the thirty-fifth anniversary since the publication of Jerusalem Perspective’s first issue in October 1987, JP has released a new e-book that includes thirty-five of JP’s most important, informative and thought-provoking articles. Included in the e-book, entitled Treasures New and Old (Matt. 13:52): Celebrating 35 Years of Jerusalem Perspective, are articles from JP’s earliest days to recently published essays by a variety of authors. Also included are a retrospective reflection on JP’s achievements in the Foreword by Jerusalem Perspective’s founder, David Bivin, and in the Introduction by Joshua Tilton a vision for JP’s future.
The e-book (PDF format, approx. 400 pages) is on sale now at JP’s Bookstore. The regular price will be $24.95, but for a limited time the e-book will be sold for $19.95 as we celebrate JP’s first thirty-five years.
A sample of the e-book, including the Cover, Title Page, Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, and List of Authors, is included below:
To purchase the e-book click here.