How to cite this article: JP Staff Writer, “Evidence of Pro-Roman Leanings in the Gospel of Matthew,” Jerusalem Perspective (2024) [].
Josephus’ Pro-Roman Stance
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Flavius Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian who was both a witness to and a participant in the first Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire (66-73 C.E.), believed that in the struggle between the Jews and the empire God was on Rome’s side. Earlier in his life Josephus had led the Galilean campaign against the Romans. At that time he must have believed differently, but after his surrender to the Romans Josephus switched his allegiance to the Roman Empire and attempted to persuade the Jewish rebels to lay down their arms. The zeal with which Josephus proclaimed to his fellow Jews his newfound loyalty to the empire won him the favor of the emperor Vespasian, and with it a comfortable lifestyle in the Roman capital after the war was ended.
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