For Jesus’ followers Holy Week is a time to rehearse the story of Jesus’ passion: his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, his teaching in the Temple, his last Passover supper with his disciples, his betrayal on the Mount of Olives, his “trial” before Pilate, and his crucifixion at Golgotha. By rehearsing his passion followers of Jesus enter into Jesus’ story so that Jesus may enter theirs. Their stories become intertwined.
About a year ago a blogger released an unusual sort of passion play: the story is told with readings and with songs. The readings are excerpts of recordings of the New King James Bible by Johnny Cash and the songs are recordings by Bob Dylan. This passion play may not be to everyone’s taste, but for anyone with a musical inclination and open to experiencing the story of Jesus’ passion in a new way, this new retelling of Jesus’ passion may have something special to offer.
The recordings are displayed below as they appear on the Reading Corner blog, where they first appeared.