This eight and a half-minute video clip provides a wonderful opportunity to see and hear Robert Lindsey and David Flusser. View them in the 1970s as they collaborate on Synoptic Gospels research at one of Flusser’s seminars at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, or as they climb down into Wadi Kelt in the Judean Desert east of Jerusalem. Listen to Lindsey as he discusses his research while fishing from a boat in the Sea of Galilee.
Video: Robert Lindsey and David Flusser
This eight and a half-minute video clip provides a wonderful opportunity to see and hear Robert Lindsey and David Flusser. View them in the 1970s as they collaborate on Synoptic Gospels research at one of Flusser's seminars at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, or as they climb down into Wadi Kelt in the Judean Desert east of Jerusalem.

Comments 1
It was my very great privilege to live in Jerusalem for almost 2 years and to be a member of Dr. Robert Lindsey’s congregation at Narkis street. I had the great fortune to spend several days with him at his place in the Galilee above the Sea of Galilee near Tiberias. During this time I got to know something of the man and I have never known a more devout follower of Jesus. His scholarship was brilliant but his heart was humble and he was the most real and sincere, kind and gentle man I’ve ever known. His passion to really know Jesus and to follow in his footsteps is unparalleled. Lindsey was much more than just an academician; he sought to not only know and understand the words of Jesus but to know and experience the living presence of Jesus and to bring this experience to the lives of all with whom he came in contact. He lost a leg rescuing a small child from a mine field. He was a great hero and mentor and the world diminished with his passing.