Many have argued over which language(s) Jesus spoke. Many will say He spoke Greek because the New Testament was written in Greek. Some will argue that Jesus spoke Aramaic, which was the lingua franca of the time, while a growing number are coming to believe that Jesus spoke Hebrew, at least with His disciples and fellow Israelites. In this short essay it is not my intention to examine all the evidence for each of these arguments, but to present just one case which I hope will add to the discussion.
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Comments 5
Excellent insight? How close is Aramaic to Hebrew in your estimation?
Is it like Italian vs Spanish, or is it like Greek vs Russian (where the similarities are simply due to borrowed Greek characters, but otherwise completely different?)
Thanks, Adam, i have now made the correction my English NASB!
Thanks Adam! ! Keep up the wxcellent contribution. Every little bit is a pearl of great price! Enjoyed this article!
Thank you Clifton.
Very good article. Short and to the point, it will make an excellent teaching example.