Every Jerusalem Perspective article listed in alphabetical order.

Can you explain ritual purity? (10/7/2019)
Casting Down Modern Imaginations (1/1/2004)
Essenic Piety and the Epistle of James (12/31/2004)

Is Faith Contrary to Empirical Support? (3/25/2008)
Jesus and the Essenes (Part 2) (7/1/1990)

Keys of the Kingdom: Allusion to Divinity? (9/29/2009)
Lauren Asperschlager (11/5/2013)

The “Only Begotten” Son (1/1/2004)

Video: How To Become A Basic Member (10/4/2012)
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Comments 2
It is difficult to establish a Hebrew equivalent for the verb κενοῦν (kenoun, make of no effect, make empty), which appears in Phil. 2:7. This verb appears only twice in the Septuagint (Jer. 14:2; 15:9) where it is the translation of a Hebrew verb meaning “languish.” In the NT kenoun appears only in the Epistles of Paul (5 times). Apparently, this verb represents Greek Greek, rather than Hebraic Greek.
Franz Delitzsch used the Hebrew word Hiphsheet הפשיט meaning to strip off a garment as opposed to “emptying out”. This actually fits the context very well.