Anna Iamim

Anna Iamim is a widely published artist specializing in archaeological reconstructions. She has worked in Israel for 40 years, serving as a staff member of many archaeological excavations in Israel, including the Combined Caesarea Expedition. In 1995 Iamim produced the first AutoCAD-generated map of Caesarea fully coordinated with the architectural records of all the excavation's archaeological teams. Iamim is one of the surveyors at the new Tiberias Excavation Project, and the surveyor at Beit Lehi excavations. She also has been involved in various stages of research, excavation, interpretation and publication of excavations at Sepphoris, Caesarea Maritima, Tel Sera, Hyrcania, Qumran and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.
Articles by Anna Iamim
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- Anna IamimHerod and the Herodian FamilyHistoryJosephus and His WritingsJP #46-47Political Issues The Right to Reign