David Pileggi

David Pileggi lives in Jerusalem with his wife Carol and their three adult children where he is the rector of Christ Church in the Old City of Jerusalem. They have lived in Israel for 33 years where David has worked as a journalist/researcher and for 19 years was director of a study program dedicated to teaching Christians about the Jewish context of their faith. David has an M.A. from the Hebrew University in Jewish Studies and is a licensed tour guide. Fascinated by Eastern European Jewish life that existed before the Second World War, David has led a number of trips to Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic, designed to teach Christians about Jewish life in the modern era. Ordained by Archbishop Henry Orombi of Uganda, he has been the rector of Christ Church Jerusalem since 2008. David also has been active in helping Palestinian children get medical care in Israeli hospitals, promotes education to prevent genocide and stop human trafficking. He also takes a keen interest in Kurdish-Jewish relations.