The “Friend of Jerusalem Perspective” program provides individuals, families, congregations, businesses and organizations the opportunity to participate in a unique, Jerusalem-based work. Through this program you can influence coming generations of Bible scholars, Bible translators, clergy and lay-workers, who serve their congregations in a variety of capacities.
Jerusalem Perspective (JP) is directed by David Bivin, who has lived in Israel since 1963. From 1987 to 1999 Jerusalem Perspective published a print magazine that presented articles on the life and teachings of Jesus in their original cultural and linguistic settings. Since 1999 Jerusalem Perspective has continued to publish articles online.

In Israel, people refer to the financial supporters of a research or educational organization as “Friends.” For example, financial supporters of the Hebrew University are called “Friends of the Hebrew University.” Financial supporters of our efforts are called “Friends of Jerusalem Perspective.” The contributions of “Friends” aid in funding research projects and educational outreach programs initiated by Jerusalem Perspective.
You may become involved in this unique work by becoming a “Friend of Jerusalem Perspective.” Your contributions can assure that Jerusalem Perspective will not only continue to survive, but that JP will continue to grow and flourish.
“Friends of Jerusalem Perspective” enjoy significant benefits, including:
- The satisfaction of making possible the dissemination of more accurate knowledge about Jesus’ teaching;
- Full access to JP’s Premium Content membership (a $60/year value);
- Access to our online course: Aleph-Bet: Hebrew Reading and Writing for Christians in 17 Easy Lessons;
- Your own JP email address, if you would like one, e.g.,
- Periodic progress reports about the work emanating from JP.
The following are the “Friends of Jerusalem Perspective” membership categories, and the minimum annual dues for each:
- Regular: $300 annually or $25 per month;
- Fellow: $100 per month (= $1,200 per year);
- Sponsor: $300 per month (= $3,600 per year);
- Patron: $1,000 per month (= $12,000 per year);
- Lifetime Friend of Jerusalem Perspective: $50,000 and over (can also be total of cumulative giving).
If you require annual payment, please email for more details.
To upgrade your account to become a “Friend of Jerusalem Perspective”, go to our membership details page and click the “Upgrade” button (make sure you’re logged in first).