A collection of stories about Jesus’ healing power and the controversy it provoked.
„Той ще се нарече Назарей“
Едно от названията, дадени на Исус, е „Назарей“. Откъде идва названието и има ли някакво специално значение? Рей Приц проследява произхода на названието.
The Lord’s Prayer Chanted in Greek
Listen to a recent recording of the Lord’s Prayer sung in Greek in the style of a Gregorian chant.
Faithful or Faithless Slave
In Faithful or Faithless Slave Jesus encouraged his disciples to emulate Moses, the faithful slave in all God’s house.
New Audio JP: “What’s Wrong with Contagious Purity? Debunking the Myth that Jesus Never Became Ritually Impure”
Listen to a recent article on Jesus and ritual purity.
Unexpected Thief
A householder might be surprised by a thief, but those who know the Son of Man is coming need not be caught unawares.
What’s Wrong with Contagious Purity? Debunking the Myth that Jesus Never Became Ritually Impure
The view that Jesus could not be affected by impurity and that Jesus was able to spread his purity to others is based on faulty assumptions and invalid inferences.
Waiting Maidens Parable
In the Waiting Maidens parable Jesus warned his listeners not to behave like the foolish maidens who forgot to bring oil for their torches.
Свещеник от смяната на Авия
Свещеническата смяна на Авия била кръстена на един от свещениците, които се завърнали в земята на Израел със Зоровавел и Исус (Неемия 12:4). Това била свещеническата смяна, към която принадлежал Захария, бащата на Йоан Кръстител.
The Seven Types of Pharisees and the Fear of God in the Synoptic Gospels
Ancient Jewish sources attest to a debate over which motivation for keeping the commandments—fear or love—was most highly to be esteemed. This debate surfaces, among other places, in the Talmudic discussions of the seven types of Pharisees. These seven types and the debate over love versus fear illuminate important aspects of Jesus’ teaching.
New Audio JP: “He Could No Longer Openly Enter a Town: A Synoptic Study in Light of an Early Luke”
Listen to a new article by Lois Tverberg.
JP Celebrates David Bivin’s 85th Birthday
To honor David on this special occasion several authors of Jewish and Christian backgrounds contributed articles to JP.
The Sin Against the Spirit: Matt. 12:31-32; Mark 3:28-29; Luke 12:10
Jesus’ saying about the sin against the Holy Spirit belongs to developing Jewish ideas regarding the gradation of sin and punishment. It also reflects his high self-awareness.
From the Galilee to Jerusalem: Luke as a Source for the Routes of Jewish Pilgrimage
Luke’s Gospel preserves valuable evidence of pilgrimage routes that would have been utilized by Jewish pilgrims in the Second Temple period.