The ancient Jewish sage Rabban Gamliel is mentioned not only in rabbinic literature, but also twice in the New Testament. Marc Turnage introduces us to this important figure in the history of Judaism and Christianity.
William Lockton, Robert Lindsey’s Forerunner

In 1922 William Lockton wrote an article for The Church Quarterly Review that challenged the foundations of accepted synoptic theory by positing that Luke was the earliest of the Synoptic Gospels.
A Long Collaboration: Jerusalem Perspective and

Many of the photographs on Jerusalem Perspective come from the collections of Founded by Todd Bolen in 2001, provides photographic resources for studying and teaching biblical history, geography and archaeology.
The Origin of the Gospels

The July issue of The Church Quarterly Review in 1922 contained an article by William Lockton in which the author challenged the scholarly consensus concerning the solution to the Synoptic Problem. This important study, which is now in the public domain, was later to be of great importance to Rev. Dr. Robert L. Lindsey as further confirmation of Lindsey’s growing conviction that the Gospel of Mark is a highly edited epitome of the Gospel of Luke.
Character Profile: Chief Priests and Sadducees

Why did the chief priests and Sadducees continue to oppose the early believers even after the crucifixion of Jesus? In this video Marc Turnage places the chief priests and Sadducees in their historical context and explains why the preaching of the apostles was unwelcome news to the Temple authorities in Jerusalem.
The Recently Discovered Pool of Siloam

In this free sample lecture from the 2006 Jerusalem Perspective Conference, archaeologist and JP contributor Ronny Reich discusses the excavation of the first-century remains of the pool of Siloam discovered in Jerusalem. The complete collection of presentations delivered at the 2006 Jerusalem Perspective Conference is available through the En-Gedi Resource Center.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 01

In Lesson One of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey examines the story of the youthful Jesus asking and answering questions in the Temple.
Character Profile: Pontius Pilate

In this video Marc Turnage reexamines Pilate’s character based on ancient literary sources, including the New Testament, and archaeological finds.
Character Profile: Joseph Caiaphas

The high priest Joseph Caiaphas is known not only from the New Testament Gospels as the high priest who opposed Jesus and his early followers, but also from Josephus the Jewish historian who lived in the first century C.E. In this video Marc Turnage provides an historical sketch of this pivotal character.
Windows into the Bible (4): Stone Vessels

In this video Marc Turnage discusses the significance of stoneware vessels for understanding the cultural context of the Gospels. Marc Turnage, a member of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research, is the director of the Center for Holy Lands Studies for The General Council of the Assemblies of God in Springfield, Missouri. Learn more about Turnage and his work at his blog The Shard and the Scroll at
The Lindseys of Israel

This documentary, which was filmed in 1975, offers a rare glimpse into the life and work of Dr. Robert L. Lindsey.
Windows into the Bible (3): Ancient Oil Lamps

In this video Marc Turnage demonstrates what ancient oil lamps can teach us about Jewish culture in the Galilee and Judea in the time of Jesus.
Windows into the Bible (2): First-century Coins

In this video Marc Turnage discusses what we can learn about first-century Jewish history by studying ancient coins.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 13

In Lesson Thirteen of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey examines the story of the sheep and the goats (Matt. 25:31-46).
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 12

In Lesson Twelve of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindesy discusses the significance of Jesus’ title “Lord.”
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 11

In Lesson Eleven of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey discusses the story of Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah of God (Luke 9:20; cf. Matt. 16:16; Mark 8:29).