Did Jews in the first century know their tribal affiliation?

The New Testament mentions individuals who belonged to this or that tribe. Did Jews in the first century know their tribal affiliation, and did it affect people’s daily life in any way?
What is your reaction to the Jesus Seminar’s work?

Scholars of the Jesus Seminar are strongly influenced by the theory of dissimilarity.
What is the significance of the two Greek words for “love” in John 21:15-17?

Does Hebrew have two words that would differentiate between the love of Christ for Peter and Peter’s love for Christ?
Does JP agree with Bultmann that the Gospel accounts are not historically accurate?

Both Jewish and Christian members of the School take very seriously the stories in the Gospels.
Has a Hebrew Gospel Been Found?

Although the church fathers testify that Matthew wrote the words of Jesus in Hebrew, not a single fragment of an early Hebrew manuscript containing Jesus’ sayings has survived from the first centuries of the Christian era.
Christ’s Folded Napkin (John 20:7): Is it significant that the napkin that had been around Jesus’ head when he was buried was found in the empty tomb folded?

Does the folded “napkin” in Jesus’ tomb mean anything?
Is there an index of the fifty-six issues of Jerusalem Perspective magazine that were published between 1987 and 1999?
For a full list of the contents of JP printed issues, click here on the “JP Magazine Index” link.
Who is behind Jerusalem Perspective?
There are many ways to answer the question, “Who is behind JP?” but the best answer is probably: “You are!” Member support and charitable contributions Jerusalem Perspective going and make it what it is. Your membership contribution enables JP to maintain its web presence, to produce the exciting new content you value, and to remain free of annoying advertizements that distract readers and dilute the focus of JP’s important mission.
What Is Measured Out in Romans 12:3?

In Rom. 12:3 pistis refers not to believing in God, nor to the adequacy of one’s service to God, but rather to the aspect and area of stewardship or responsibility that God has assigned to each believer.
Jesus’ Reference to Folklore and Historical Events

An inherent consequence of our distance from the world of Jesus is that we primarily understand Jesus’ words as they apply within our twenty-first century eschatological and theological framework. However, Jesus’ teachings reflect his cultural background as a Jewish rabbi in first-century Galilee.
Perspective on Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code

In the marketplace of ideas, legitimate biblical scholarship competes with the likes of Erich von Deniken (Chariots of the Gods) and Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), and other sensationalists.
Historical Howlers, Funny and Otherwise: Dan Brown’s Backward Understanding of Gnosticism

There are factual errors strewn throughout Dan Brown’s runaway bestseller, The Da Vinci Code.
Reflecting on David Flusser’s Vision

The term “genius” readily appears on the lips of scholars at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem when they refer to their former colleague, David Flusser (1917-2000). This word, which was understandably mixed with more critical words, was shared with me repeatedly the years I was Lady Davis Professor in the Hebrew University.
A Time To Fast?

Once, when Jesus and his disciples were enjoying themselves at a dinner party, a simple observation was made: “Your disciples don’t fast!” The observation was innocent and simple enough; it was not an accusation, but an honest exclamation of perplexity. Jesus’ response, however, was far from simple.