Човек може да си състави доста точна представа за това какво е правил Исус в детството и юношеството си.
“Banquet in the Kingdom of Heaven” complex
How commitment to social justice in this world determines one’s place at the messianic banquet in the world to come.
Evidence of Pro-Roman Leanings in the Gospel of Matthew
Hindsight and political expedience shaped the author of Matthew’s view of the Roman Empire.
Sanctus and Gloria
Professor David Flusser investigates the Jewish background of the angel’s song to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest….”
Aesop’s Fables and the Parables of the Sages
The meshalim (proverbs and parables) of the sages shed light on the development of Aesop’s fables and on variant versions of the fables within the complex Aesopic tradition.
The Social Jesus: Beyond an Individualist Reading of the Capernaum Synagogue Incident
In the social reading of the Capernaum Synagogue incident Jesus restores the tattered fabric of the community, exchanging the way things were for a newer and better way.
Teaching in Kefar Nahum
A clash between entrenched demonic powers and one proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.
Набожните еврейски родители на Исус и тяхното дете-чудо
В разказа за детството на Исус, описан в първа и втора глава от Eвангелието на Лука, Лука представя Мария, Йосиф и Исус в една отлична светлина. Майката и бащата на Исус проявяват набожност далеч отвъд обичайната, а младият Исус изгаря от желание да бъде в храма и да изучава Тора с учителите на Израел.
Return to the Galil
How a bare statement about Jesus’ return to the Galilee was pressed into the service of the author of Luke’s apologetic goals, the author of Mark’s kerygmatic program, and the author of Matthew’s theological agenda.
Tangled up in Techēlet: Tzitzit (Ritual Tassels) in the Time of Jesus
Although the wearing of tzitzit is enjoined in Scripture, we do not find records of its actual observance until the Second Temple period.
Heaven and Earth Pass Away
Jesus claimed his interpretations would bring out the true intention of the Torah’s commandments without rendering a single verse, word, letter, or even pen stroke superfluous.
The Names of Jerusalem in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts
What can the Greek and Hebrew forms of Jerusalem’s name tell us either about the sources of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts or the audiences to whom these works were addressed?
Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory
Holiness and purity play a hidden role in the story commonly known as the Gerasene Demoniac.
A Passion Play in an Unusual Vein
The story of Jesus’ passion told through readings by Johnny Cash and songs by Bob Dylan.
What Is the Leaven of the Pharisees?
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke give three different answers. Which, if any, is original?