Spring is changing into summer. More correctly, the rainy season is becoming the dry season. We are commanded in Scripture to be thankful (Eph. 5:4; Phil. 4:6; Col. 2:7; 4:2), and even, to express our thankfulness publicly: “I will remember the deeds of the LORD…I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds” (Ps. 77:11-12; NIV). Therefore, I want to publicly thank God for his mercy in bringing down rain upon the land of Israel during this rainy season. We have witnessed a miracle of immense proportions!
No Longer Aliens (and Enemies) of the Commonwealth of Israel!
According to the New Testament, a pagan who becomes a follower of Jesus and enters the Kingdom of Heaven (in conservative Christian parlance, “gets saved”) becomes part of the Commonwealth of Israel.
I have just purchased an English translation of the Mishnah. I would appreciate your advice on how to properly approach my study of it.

I have just purchased an English translation of the Mishnah. I would appreciate your advice on how to properly approach my study of it.
Does Jerusalem Perspective have a statement of faith?
Jerusalem Perspective cannot have a creedal statement since its authors are men and women of different faiths.
Is Jerusalem Perspective magazine currently being published?

Jerusalem Perspective magazine was published from 1987 until 1999.
Which is the most accurate English translation of the Bible?

I have had difficulty deciding which Bible to read. I had been strongly advised to read only the King James Version as being the best translation available.
Musalaha Conference for Christian Arab and Jewish Women 2003
One of the most amazing and unusual experiences we have living in Israel is to see people who are avowed enemies nationally and historically come together in harmony and peace. A number of Israeli organizations bring together Arabs and Jews who have mutual interests (for example, in the area of the arts). Often harboring strong religious and political differences, these people get to know and understand each other on a personal level.
Pills to Calm Your Nerves? Try the Peace of the Lord!
Thousands of Israelis are inundating telephone aid centers. The reason: the difficult security situation and fear of approaching war with Iraq.
Beyond an Inheritance

Could it be that the original integrity of Jesus’ message about the Kingdom of Heaven was later compromised by the presence of other expectations of a messianic-eschatological character that circulated promiscuously in early Christian communities?
A Personal Tribute to Professor Shmuel Safrai, Recipient of the Israel Prize
I would like to congratulate Professor Safrai on his award, and add a personal note: I have known Professor Safrai since 1965 when he was one of my instructors at the Hebrew University. I have spent literally hundreds of hours with him. Not only is Professor Safrai one of the greatest scholars that the Hebrew University has ever produced, he is also a mensch. Kind, well-mannered, and above all, patient, he has been a model of right living to his many students.
Being There
One of the strongest impressions I have from my first year in Israel (1963-1964) was taking part in a Passover Seder (the joyous home celebration of Passover). It happened that during this first year in Israel my first contact with the Jewish people took place—there were no Jews living in Cleveland, Oklahoma, where I grew up.
The Transparent Agenda

As practitioners of Jesus’ teachings, our conduct certainly should be characterized by charity, but a helping hand with strings attached or expectations appended is not pleasant. This constitutes one of the mysterious aspects of the kingdom of heaven. It is The Transparent Agenda, a mandate to do good to all without prejudice and without expectations.
Israel’s Water Situation
For the last three years Israel has experienced much lower than average rainfall. The situation is so bad that the Sea of Galilee, which serves as the nation’s main water reservoir and whose normal level is minus 208.90 meters, is now minus 214.16 meters, that is, almost 16 feet below normal.
A Renewable Covenant
One thing seems certain, in my opinion: we must renew our covenant with God again and again. Our relationship with God is not a one-time commitment, but an ongoing relationship.
The Season of Redemption

In the face of a national disaster, hope remained. Summer and its ripe figs—signs of future redemption—would come.
To Be, or Not to Be, in the Driver’s Seat?
As I lay in a hospital bed at Hebrew University’s Hadassah-Ein Kerem Medical Center, it was obvious to me that my body was completely out of control. My heart had been beating erratically for over 100 hours, and the only hope for restoring my heart to normal rhythm was cardioversion (electric shock therapy).
A Milestone in Halvor Ronning’s Life: Cause for Reflection

Last night I attended the birthday party of one of my closest friend, Halvor Ronning. Gathered around him were children, grandchildren and friends. Having lived 65 years, Halvor had reached a milestone in his life. There was good reason to celebrate.