Lesson taught on August 30, 1997.
Disgusting Illustrations Distract from Worthy Content!
Dr. Notley had no part in selecting the illustrations that accompanied his article.
Were Women Segregated in the Ancient Synagogue?
Did women play a passive role in the synagogue congregations of antiquity? Were they separated from male members of the congregation during prayer and study, as is the case today? According to Professor Shmuel Safrai, the answer to both questions is a resounding “No.”
The Nature of Jesus’ Task
Christians read their Bibles through a lens of historical hindsight to illuminate certain features of Jesus’ teaching. Jews living in the first century did not have this benefit, and even one as saintly as John the Baptist struggled with aspects of Jesus’ messianic conduct.
What is the Jerusalem School’s hermeneutical criterion?
In any historical study utilizing the gospels, it is important first to establish what Jesus said, before we can know what Jesus meant.
One Torah Reader, Not Seven!
Only around 100 A.D. did it become the custom to have the weekly Torah portion read by seven persons.
Did the Father Abandon his Son on the Cross?
Mark’s text appears to be a midrashic expansion of the original version of Jesus’ death on the cross.
What Was Simon Peter Wearing When He Plunged into the Sea?
Was Peter actually fishing naked, or was he merely “stripped to the waist,” as the Living Bible says? And what did he put on before swimming to Jesus?
If a Jew mistreats a Jew, does that make him anti-Semitic?
There is an important distinction between the anti-Judaism present in portions of the New Testament and modern anti-Semitism.
Acts 24:25: Righteousness, Self-Control and the Judgment to Come
Sermon preached on June 28, 1997.
The Cross: A Symbol of Solidarity
For Christians the suffering that Jesus endured, especially on the cross, has far reaching spiritual, theological and doctrinal significance. Accordingly, the cross has assumed a place of prominence in both Catholic and Protestant symbolism.
Hendiadys in the Synoptic Gospels
Hebraisms are as ubiquitous in the Synoptic Gospels as cats in Jerusalem.
Gergesa, Gerasa, or Gadara? Where Did Jesus’ Miracle Occur?
Christian tradition, at least since the fourth century, has identified Kursi-Gergesa with the miracle of the swine. But can this tradition be trusted? An Israeli geographer-historian gives us his answer.