Although the wearing of tzitzit is enjoined in Scripture, we do not find records of its actual observance until the Second Temple period.
Heaven and Earth Pass Away

Jesus claimed his interpretations would bring out the true intention of the Torah’s commandments without rendering a single verse, word, letter, or even pen stroke superfluous.
The Names of Jerusalem in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts

What can the Greek and Hebrew forms of Jerusalem’s name tell us either about the sources of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts or the audiences to whom these works were addressed?
Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory

Holiness and purity play a hidden role in the story commonly known as the Gerasene Demoniac.
A Passion Play in an Unusual Vein

The story of Jesus’ passion told through readings by Johnny Cash and songs by Bob Dylan.
What Is the Leaven of the Pharisees?

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke give three different answers. Which, if any, is original?
Unearthed Treasures: English Versions of Previously Untranslated Flusser Articles

Check out these translations at
Audio JP: Chickens and the Cultural Context of the Gospels

Listen to “Chickens and the Cultural Context of the Gospels.”
Failures of the Aramaic Solution: Aramaic’s Inability to Explain Jesus’ Halachic Questions on the Sabbath (Luke 14:5; Matt. 12:11-12a)

How well does Aramaic explain Jesus’ sayings on healing on the Sabbath?
Faith Like a Mustard Seed

Trust in God and faithfulness to his Kingdom will surmount seemingly impossible obstacles.
New E-Book Available Now!

A collection of thirty-five JP articles to celebrate JP’s first thirty-five years.
Fig Tree Parable

The Fig Tree parable offers assurance that despite the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, Israel will eventually be redeemed.
Stephen’s Speech (Acts 7:1-53) and Early Jewish Scriptural Interpretation

Discover connections between Stephen’s Speech and ancient Jewish literature.
Son of Man’s Coming

Son of Man’s Coming describes the cessation of the times of the Gentiles and the ultimate vindication of Israel in terms of the apocalyptic image of “one like a son of man.”
Yerushalayim Besieged

In Yerushalayim Besieged Jesus describes and laments the consequences that will befall Israel as a result of its rejection of the Kingdom of Heaven and its ways of peace.