Read Josephus’ description of the plain of Gennesaret.
Synagogue and Sabbath
The detailed description of Jesus’ visit to the Nazareth synagogue found in Luke 4:16-21 provides substantial information about synagogue life and customs in the early first century C.E. An examination of this passage will help us understand Jesus more clearly and accurately. This account in Luke’s Gospel agrees with other contemporary and especially rabbinic sources. Together they provide a complete picture of the synagogue in that period.
The Sons of His Will
Christmas brings many carols and cards containing the words from Luke 2:14, “Goodwill to men” and “Peace to men of goodwill.” The angels praised God with words that in English may sound like a politician wishing us to “Have a nice day.” Most of us sense that these words reflect something deeper, but why did the angels use such seemingly innocuous words?
A Life on the Kinneret
Born into a Zionist family in Latvia, Nun began to learn Hebrew at five, and decided to immigrate to Palestine as a teenager.
Hebrew Nuggets: Transliteration System
JP uses a system which hopefully elicits from English readers a pronunciation that comes close to the Hebrew.
“Binding” and “Loosing” in the Kingdom of Heaven
Jewish sages were called upon constantly by their community to interpret scriptural commands. They “bound,” or prohibited, certain activities, and “loosed,” or allowed, others.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like a Seine
The seine was used in the Sea of Galilee until the 1950s, and my experiences in the early days of modern Jewish fishing on the Sea of Galilee have given me some practical insight into its use.
The Sea of Galilee
According to the Gospels, Jesus’ earthly ministry centered around the Sea of Galilee. While important events occurred in Jerusalem, the Lord spent most of the three years of his ministry along the shore of this freshwater lake.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 22: Israel (Part 4)
Final part of a four-part series on the Hebrew word Israel.
Book Review: Marvin Wilson’s Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
Wilson offers a number of helpful suggestions that will enable Christians to adopt “a Hebraic orientation toward life and the world.”
Sidebar: Synagogue Guest House for First-century Pilgrims
This Greek inscription provides evidence of the accommodations that were provided in Jerusalem for pilgrims.
Fish and the Sea of Galilee
The Sea of Galilee was the scene of most of Jesus’ ministry. Fishermen and sailors were his earliest followers, and it was to them that he first preached, standing on the shore of the lake.
Pilgrimage in the Time of Jesus
During the Second Temple period pilgrimage was associated with the festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.
Hebrew Idioms in the Gospels
There are many expressions in the Greek texts of Matthew, Mark and Luke that seem to derive from Hebrew idioms. These are phrases that mean something different from the literal meaning of the words they use. Every language has its own idioms, many of which seem strange when translated literally out of their native setting.
By the Finger of God
Jesus’ ministry of miracles and deliverance occasionally brought him into conflict. One of the most intriguing controversies concerned the accusation by a group of Pharisees called “Jerusalem scribes” that Jesus had accomplished the healing of a dumb man with the aid of the prince of demons.
Book Review: Brad Young’s Jesus and His Jewish Parables
From the outset Young argues that the best way to understand what Jesus was teaching in his parables is to try to hear him as he spoke to his people. The author argues that this can best be done by analyzing the parables of Jesus together with those told by other rabbis of his day.