Jesus’ ministry of miracles and deliverance occasionally brought him into conflict. One of the most intriguing controversies concerned the accusation by a group of Pharisees called “Jerusalem scribes” that Jesus had accomplished the healing of a dumb man with the aid of the prince of demons.
Book Review: Brad Young’s Jesus and His Jewish Parables
From the outset Young argues that the best way to understand what Jesus was teaching in his parables is to try to hear him as he spoke to his people. The author argues that this can best be done by analyzing the parables of Jesus together with those told by other rabbis of his day.
Book Review: David Flusser’s Personal Perspective on Brad Young’s Jesus and His Jewish Parables
Anyone who wants to be a good worker in the field of Jesus’ parables should begin by studying Brad Young’s Jesus and His Jewish Parables.
Which Bible Translation?
Which translation is best cannot be answered without determining what the questioner means by “best.”
Understanding Parables
The rabbis taught, “Do not underestimate the value of parables, because by means of parables a person can master the words of Torah” (Song of Songs Rabbah 1:8).
The Role of Women in the Temple
According to Jewish religious law, women were allowed in every area of the Temple precincts in which men were allowed.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 21: Israel (Part 3)
Part three of a four-part series on the Hebrew word Israel.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 20: Israel (Part 2)
Part two of a four-part series on the Hebrew word Israel.
Naming John the Baptist
The naming of a child at his circumcision ceremony, as presented in Luke 1, is also mentioned in Luke 2:21 regarding the naming of Jesus. In fact, naming a child during the circumcision ceremony is still accepted Jewish practice. The naming rite includes a prayer for the child’s well-being.
An Introduction to Synoptic Studies
The late Dr. Robert Lindsey, pioneer translator of the Gospels into modern Hebrew, synoptic researcher and pastor of Jerusalem’s Narkis Street Congregation, resided in Israel for over forty years. His discoveries challenge many conclusions of New Testament scholarship from the past two hundred years. Lindsey created a new approach to the study of the Synoptic Gospels. Here, Lindsey provides an introduction to the field of synoptic studies and the “Synoptic Problem.”
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 19: Israel (Part 1)
Part one of a four-part series on the Hebrew word Israel.
John the Nazirite
The Mishnah seems to indicate that the vow to abstain even from specific parts of the grape implies acceptance of the entire nazirite regimen. According to Nazir 1:2, even if one vows: “I will abstain from eating grape seeds and grape skins…, he becomes a nazirite.”
The Lord’s Prayer 10: A Hebrew Reconstruction
As a summary of Dr. Bradford Young’s series on the rabbinic background to the Lord’s Prayer, we present his English transliteration of the conjectured Hebrew original and its English translation.
Zechariah’s Prestigious Task
It was not unknown for a priest to see a vision or hear a heavenly voice in the sanctuary at the time of the incense offering. Josephus relates that while the high priest and ruler John Hyrcanus was offering incense in the sanctuary, he heard a voice proclaiming that his sons had just defeated the Syrian king Antiochus (Antiq. 13:282).
The Lord’s Prayer 9: “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
It is difficult to grasp the full impact of the Lord’s Prayer without an appreciation of its Jewish background. Today’s Christians have quite a different understanding of prayer, Scripture and faith than a Jewish teacher like Jesus. One easily can miss the great depth of Jesus’ message.