The meshalim (proverbs and parables) of the sages shed light on the development of Aesop’s fables and on variant versions of the fables within the complex Aesopic tradition.
Like Children Complaining

Were Jesus and John the Baptist like children who played a dance and a dirge? Or was Jesus’ generation one that complained like whining children about the prophets who came to warn it?
Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse

John the Baptist anticipated the coming of an Elijah-like priestly messiah who would purify the Temple on an eschatological Day of Atonement.
Darnel Among the Wheat Parable

Is the Darnel Among the Wheat parable an allegory about eschatological events, or a lesson about God’s character?
Yeshua’s Words about Yohanan the Immerser

Did Jesus regard John the Baptist as a prophet? As more than a prophet? What did he mean that the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John the Baptist? Explore these questions in Yeshua’s Words about Yohanan the Immerser.
Sending the Twelve: “The Harvest Is Plentiful” and “A Flock Among Wolves”

Yeshua told his twelve emissaries: “There’s a huge harvest, but a shortage of harvesters. So send word to the owner of the field to hire more workers to help them finish the job.
“Go! But beware, I’m sending you out like a defenseless flock into a pack of ravenous wolves.”
Chickens and the Cultural Context of the Gospels

One aspect of the cultural context of the Gospels that is often overlooked is the role played by animals. In this article I will explore the significance of chickens in first-century Jewish culture and the part they play in the story of Jesus.
Jesus’ Reference to Folklore and Historical Events

An inherent consequence of our distance from the world of Jesus is that we primarily understand Jesus’ words as they apply within our twenty-first century eschatological and theological framework. However, Jesus’ teachings reflect his cultural background as a Jewish rabbi in first-century Galilee.