В разказа за детството на Исус, описан в първа и втора глава от Eвангелието на Лука, Лука представя Мария, Йосиф и Исус в една отлична светлина. Майката и бащата на Исус проявяват набожност далеч отвъд обичайната, а младият Исус изгаря от желание да бъде в храма и да изучава Тора с учителите на Израел.
A Personal Tribute to Professor Shmuel Safrai, Recipient of the Israel Prize
I would like to congratulate Professor Safrai on his award, and add a personal note: I have known Professor Safrai since 1965 when he was one of my instructors at the Hebrew University. I have spent literally hundreds of hours with him. Not only is Professor Safrai one of the greatest scholars that the Hebrew University has ever produced, he is also a mensch. Kind, well-mannered, and above all, patient, he has been a model of right living to his many students.
I am depressed by the situation of Jewish women!

How did women express their spirituality? Did they have any power?
Jesus’ Devout Jewish Parents and Their Child Prodigy

In the infancy narrative found in chapters one and two of Luke’s gospel, Luke has provided excellent character references for Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Jesus’ mother and father show piety far beyond the usual, and the young Jesus is eager to be in the temple studying Torah with the teachers of Israel.
Jewish Laws of Purity in Jesus’ Day

The sages were required to interpret the biblical commandments, including those dealing with ritual uncleanness of menstruants. Rabbinic regulations about impurity caused by menstruation form the background to several stories in the gospels.