The Gospels describe Jesus and his followers as keeping halakha to a relatively high extent; they were a group to whom the law was important.
Tangled up in Techēlet: Tzitzit (Ritual Tassels) in the Time of Jesus

Although the wearing of tzitzit is enjoined in Scripture, we do not find records of its actual observance until the Second Temple period.
Sending the Twelve: Conduct on the Road

In this segment of the LOY commentary David Bivin and Joshua Tilton consider the command to avoid Gentiles and Samaritans and the prohibitions against bringing travel gear for the apostles’ journey.
The New International Jesus

Inaccuracy in translating either through ignorance or because of an obscure manuscript reading is to be expected, but to skew wittingly due to academic bias or religious tendentiousness smirches the reputation of a venerable profession.
Jesus and the Oral Torah: The Hem of His Garment

The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus, like all observant Jews of the first century, wore tsitsiyot. These are the tassels that were attached to the four corners of one’s robe as commanded in Numbers 15 and Deuteronomy 22. Jesus’ observance of this commandment is dramatically illustrated by the story of the woman who suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years.