Today it is the custom of the Ashkenazim to equip Torah scrolls with wooden handles called “Trees of Life.” It is often assumed that this also was the practice in Jesus’ time. Professor Safrai sets the record straight.
Jewish Laws of Purity in Jesus’ Day

The sages were required to interpret the biblical commandments, including those dealing with ritual uncleanness of menstruants. Rabbinic regulations about impurity caused by menstruation form the background to several stories in the gospels.
The Miraculous Catch: Reflections on the Research of Mendel Nun

Mendel Nun’s research is important in illuminating many Gospel stories.
Prayers for Emergencies

One of the many results of synoptic research is the discovery of parallels between the sayings of Jesus and those of other Jewish sages. A knowledge of these parallels can provide added insight into what Jesus was teaching.
The Sweetness of Learning

Although the Gospels give little information concerning Jesus’ childhood, we can suppose that in his formative years Jesus received a good Jewish education. Dr. Wilson gives us a glimpse into the Jewish way of training a child.
Did Jesus Wear a Kippah?

Although priests wore a turban-like headdress, other Jews of the Second Temple period did not wear a headcovering.
No Room in the Inn?

What was an inn like at the time of Jesus’ birth? Did it provide separate rooms, or was it like a dormitory with one big room?
“Jehovah”: A Christian Misunderstanding

In any attempt to understand the Bible, there is no substitute for a knowledge of ancient Jewish custom and practice. For example, the term “Jehovah,” which is found in many Christian translations of the Bible, originated due to Christian lack of awareness of Jewish custom.
The Shema in Early Jewish Teaching

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (Deut. 6:4), known as the Shema, is a foundational teaching of both Judaism and Jesus.
The Divine Name in the Hebrew New Testament

God has a personal name: YHVH. Like Semitic names in general, it was intended to reflect something of the bearer’s character. YHVH is related to the root h-v-h, “to be”, and reflects God’s eternity and timelessness.
What Is the Priest Doing? Common Sense and Culture

Common sense is connected to cultural expectations. What is understandable in one culture may be opaque in another.
Master and Disciple

To understand the relationship between a first-century master and his disciples, one must appreciate the central role of Torah in ancient Jewish society.
Sabbath Breakers?

Jesus’ observance of the commandments has been a topic of vigorous scholarly debate. However, when the Synoptic Gospels are carefully examined, one sees that Jesus never violated written or oral Torahs. But did his disciples?
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 24: Messiah (Part 2)

Athough the concept of Messiah is importance both in Judaism and Christianity, the Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (maSHIaḥ, messiah) was not often used in Jesus’ day. Jesus and his contemporaries rarely spoke of the Messiah by that name, but preferred to use other more oblique terms. In the New Testament, maSHIaḥ almost always appears in its Greek translation: χριστός (christos, anointed with oil; Christ). The Greek transliteration μεσσίας (messias) appears only twice, in John 1:41 and 4:25.
What Kind of Blessing Is That?

In some cases a more informed understanding of the original setting of the Gospels can be communicated easily in a translation. A good translation will reflect that fuller, culturally appropriate understanding.
A Friend of Tax Collectors

Tax collectors were especially hated because they increased their profit by collecting more taxes than their masters actually demanded.
Your Money or Your Life

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Jesus’ reply to the question about paying taxes to Caesar is that Jesus disarms his opponents and at the same time places a total demand on them.
“Let Down Your Nets”

In this article Sea of Galilee fishing expert, Mendel Nun, discusses the different types of fishing nets that were used in the first century by fishermen. Nun’s knowledge of ancient fishing techniques illuminates the stories of Jesus and his followers, many of whom were fishermen.