In Lesson Eleven of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey discusses the story of Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah of God (Luke 9:20; cf. Matt. 16:16; Mark 8:29).
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 10

In Lesson Ten of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey discusses “Son of Man” as a messianic title from Daniel 7:13 in the saying, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners’” (Matt. 11:19 // Luke 7:34). Lindsey also discusses the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) in which the title “Son of Man” appears.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 09

In Lesson Nine of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey discusses Jesus’ riddle about the Messiah and David’s Son (Matt. 22:41-46; Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44) and the Healing of the Paralyzed Man story (Matt. 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26).
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 08

In Lesson Eight of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey discusses messianic titles in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus’ saying about Jonah and Solomon in Matt. 12:38-42.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 07

In Lesson Seven of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey continues his discussion of Jesus’ sermon in the Nazareth synagogue.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 06

In Lesson Six of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey examines the story of Jesus preaching in the Nazareth synagogue (Luke 4:16-21).
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 05

In Lesson Five of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey examines Jesus’ saying about the son who knows the father (Matt. 11:27 // Luke 10:22).
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 04

In Lesson Four of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert Lindsey examines the story of Jesus’ temptation.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 03

In Lesson Three of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert Lindsey examines the story of Jesus’ baptism.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 02

In Lesson Two of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey examines the interrogation of Jesus by the chief priests and the origin of the Son of God concept.
The Desert: Waiting for God

The desert is about feeling frustrated and helpless, realizing we can do nothing on our own. It’s about total surrender of our will to God.
Reflections on Mark

Sometimes the work we do for The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction can seem a little hard on the Gospel of Mark. Our research might leave readers wondering whether we have anything positive to say about Mark. The answer given in this blog is a resounding “Yes!”
A Nativity Meditation for 2014

Again and again in the nativity narratives communication somehow breaks down. The story of Jesus’ birth begins with scrambled communications, but that is not where the story ends. In the course of the story, God works through imperfect people to give them the perfect gift of the Messiah.
Farms, Shepherds, and the Cycle of Life

My favorite image of Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-16). I’ve never come close to laying down my life to save our sheep from wolves or coyotes. I don’t camp outside with them in a desert, or lead them for miles to find food and water. But I do care deeply for these gentle creatures. In their quiet acceptance of God’s Will—just being what they are—they teach me to trust that “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm 23), no matter what.
Three Keys to Personal Happiness

What are some of the things that make you happy? I mean truly happy. While different things make different people happy—different strokes for different folks—I believe there are some keys that can enable us to experience personal happiness.
Unconditional Love

My wife, Lenore, and I have dealt with a great many people who, because of various circumstances in their life, are unable to feel loved—by God or anyone else. In fact, they often describe how they feel as “numb” or “empty.” They often view themselves as unattractive, unlovable, and worthless. This is in spite of the fact that many of these people are considered successful in their chosen field.
Are There Absolutes for the Christian?

With the emphasis on relativism and situational ethics in popular culture, one might wonder if there truly are any absolutes to guide us as Christians. Perhaps we can excuse any or all behavior or lifestyle on the basis of “that’s just the way God made me—besides, Jesus paid the price for my sin so everything’s cool!”
The Amidah Prayer

The Amidah is the essential part of the morning, afternoon and evening weekday services in the synagogue. Every Jew is religiously obligated to pray the Eighteen Benedictions daily.