Determining the date of any particular Gospel is a difficult task.
The “King James Only” Debate

Have you read a book called New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger? She claims that the only reliable translation of the Bible is the King James Version.
Is the Search for Literary Sources of the Synoptic Gospels Futile?

Indeed, the search for literary sources that may be reflected in a piece of writing can be risky business. In the case of the Synoptic Gospels, however, we possess multiple accounts of the same events—events that originally occurred in a Hebrew-speaking environment, but were eventually recorded in Greek.
Has a Hebrew Gospel Been Found?

Although the church fathers testify that Matthew wrote the words of Jesus in Hebrew, not a single fragment of an early Hebrew manuscript containing Jesus’ sayings has survived from the first centuries of the Christian era.
Which is the most accurate English translation of the Bible?

I have had difficulty deciding which Bible to read. I had been strongly advised to read only the King James Version as being the best translation available.
Does it matter which of the Gospel writers wrote first?

Papias said Matthew wrote first. Someone else said Mark wrote first. Lindsey said Luke wrote first. Does it matter? Why can’t we just accept that the four gospel writers were four independent individual persons used by God to write one complete Gospel?