In an effort to counter the risk we may be running of losing “the vision of the kingdom,” I will enumerate and comment briefly upon three optical aids for keeping it in focus.
Jehovah and PIPI

According to Jerome, those who were unfamiliar with Jewish customs tried to pronounce the Hebrew letters as if they were Greek letters. The result was quite a howler: they pronounced YHVH as PIPI!
Measure For Measure

Some of the things Jesus emphasized in his teachings stand as strong warnings to those who belong to the community of faith. Jesus made statements about not lapsing into prideful judgmentalism, and becoming centripetal in one’s thinking. Jesus taught that our attitude toward other people—outsiders, even sinners—must be like God’s.
Repentance: God Inhales

Blessing God as one who delights in repentance has rich theological implications. Nevertheless, this blessing runs the risk of inaccuracy by understating God’s reaction to repentance. He not only delights in it but displays peculiar patterns of behavior when under its influence.
Over and Under-Familiarity with Matthew 6:11

Hearing something repeatedly can diminish its significance. I suspect that this is particularly true of Scripture. Overfamiliarity with a biblical passage can contribute to its misunderstanding. Sometimes it can reduce a profound saying to nothing more than a cliché.
Pileggi Sermon: “The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand”
Listen to a sermon by David Pileggi delivered at the Narkis Street congregation in Jerusalem.
Where Seed and Thistle Grow

The interpretive approach of this essay assumes that Jesus’ frame of reference for the Parable of the Sower centered on the kingdom of heaven. Jesus emphasized repentance and grace, and their joint role as a catalyst for increasing God’s reign.
James Tabor Responds to JP Review

Poirier’s review on JP of Tabor’s recently published The Jesus Dynasty: The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity has caused a stir on the Internet
Perspective on Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code

In the marketplace of ideas, legitimate biblical scholarship competes with the likes of Erich von Deniken (Chariots of the Gods) and Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), and other sensationalists.
Toward an Inerrant View of Scripture

No biblical autographs have survived. There are only manuscripts which were copied from earlier manuscripts, which were copied from still earlier manuscripts, and so on. To speak of an autograph as inerrant, we are essentially claiming that Scripture USED to be inerrant.
Scholars and Saints: A Critical Collaboration

Most academics would question the value of attempting to identify material originating from the historical Jesus because Matthew, Mark and Luke are not historical narratives in the modern sense.
Was New Orleans Punished for Its Sinfulness?

Let’s consider how Jesus would have responded to the damage and loss of life wrought by Katrina.
Recommended Books On Ritual Purity Laws
Jack Poirier calls attention to four books on a topic that few readers of the New Testament understand.
Studying the Gospels Synoptically

A synopsis allows us to see the differences in each Gospel—which is often valuable in understanding the texts and determining the better readings.
Israel: A Relief Map on the Scale of 1:1
One of the many exciting advantages of living in Israel is access to biblical sites. Nothing beats reading a biblical story at the place where it happened
The BiblePlaces Newsletter

I want to bring to your attention an exciting and colorful newsletter. If you are a teacher or student of the Bible, you will want to subscribe to it. It’s free!
Jesus’ Final Journey to Jerusalem

Trace the route of Jesus’ final pilgrimage to Jerusalem with Todd Bolen.
The Synoptic Problem Home Page and Other Internet Resources
The most ambitious of these reference materials is a four-color Greek synopsis, which is designed to highlight the agreements and differences in wording between Matthew, Mark and Luke.