Luke’s Gospel preserves valuable evidence of pilgrimage routes that would have been utilized by Jewish pilgrims in the Second Temple period.
The Expectation of Sabbatical Redemption within Ancient Judaism and Luke-Acts

Luke-Acts attests to the connection of the movements of John the Baptist and Jesus to ancient Jewish hopes of sabbatical redemption.
Two Neglected Aspects of the Centurion’s Slave Pericope

Ritual impurity and the tensions resulting from Roman imperialism are two aspects of the Centurion’s Slave pericope that often go overlooked.
“They Know Not What They Do”: The History of a Dominical Saying

How Luke 23:34 became embroiled in the Church’s conflicted relationship with its Jewish Roots.
Yeshua’s Immersion

The words of the heavenly voice that spoke at Jesus’ immersion foreshadowed the trajectory of Jesus’ career.
Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution

The story of John the Baptist’s martyrdom was rich with allusions to stories from the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Priority of Luke: An Exposition of Robert Lindsey’s Solution to the Synoptic Problem

The pioneering work of Robert L. Lindsey deserves more serious consideration from the scholarly community than it has heretofore received.
Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse

John the Baptist anticipated the coming of an Elijah-like priestly messiah who would purify the Temple on an eschatological Day of Atonement.
LOY Excursus: The Dates of the Synoptic Gospels

Reassessing the dates of the Synoptic Gospels in light of Lindsey’s hypothesis.
Yohanan the Immerser’s Exhortations

In Yohanan the Immerser’s Exhortations John the Baptist instructs his audience how they are to behave in order to bear the fruits of repentance.
Yohanan the Immerser Demands Repentance

In Yohanan the Immerser Demands Repentance John the Baptist challenges his audience, which had gone through all the trouble of going out to the Jordan River to receive his baptism, to accept his even more important advice: to repent of their evil deeds and imitate the faithfulness of Abraham their father.
A Voice Crying

An examination of the Jewish setting of John the Baptist’s proclamation of an immersion of repentance for the release of Israel’s sin indebtedness.
A Woman’s Misplaced Blessing

When a woman in the crowd praised Jesus’ person, he redirected her attention to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is realized through the doing of God’s word.
Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers

Did Jesus reject his natural family in favor of a spiritual kinship, or did he pay Mary and his brothers the highest possible compliment?
Four Soils Interpretation

In the Four Soils interpretation Jesus explained the meaning of the imagery in the Four Soils parable.
Four Soils Parable

By not revealing what the Four Soils parable was about until its dramatic conclusion Jesus drew in his audience and held their attention, making them the very thing the parable urged them to be: good listeners.
Mustard Seed and Starter Dough Parables

Jesus used the Mustard Seed and Starter Dough parables to demonstrate that the Kingdom of Heaven is a living and active presence that is increasing within the realm of human experience.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Increasing

An investigation of the possible Hebrew background of one of Jesus’ most difficult sayings.