To obtain the Tree of Life one must pass through the Narrow Gate.
Why Do You Call Me ‘Lord’?: On the Origins of Jesus’ Dominical Title

The confession “Jesus is Lord” is the simplest and earliest Christian creed. But how did referring to Jesus as “Lord” begin?
Heaven and Earth Pass Away

Jesus claimed his interpretations would bring out the true intention of the Torah’s commandments without rendering a single verse, word, letter, or even pen stroke superfluous.
The Names of Jerusalem in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts

What can the Greek and Hebrew forms of Jerusalem’s name tell us either about the sources of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts or the audiences to whom these works were addressed?
Did Jesus Call God “Abba”?

In the past, some scholars have relied on the evidence of Jesus’ use of the word “Abba” to draw far-reaching conclusions about Jesus, the language he spoke, and his relationship to Judaism. As part of their ongoing research for the LOY project, David Bivin and Joshua Tilton revisited the evidence for Jesus’ use of “Abba” as an address to God. Tilton summarizes their findings here.
The Significance of Jesus’ Words “Not One Jot or One Tittle Will Pass from the Law” (Matt. 5:18)

“Jot” and “tittle” are not everyday words in English. What do they mean and how should Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:18 be understood? Jerusalem Perspective‘s editor-in-chief, David Bivin, tackles these questions on behalf of a subscriber’s request for help.
David Flusser on the Historical Jesus: An Interview with Roy Blizzard

On the occasion of what would have been Prof. David Flusser’s 98th birthday (Sept. 15), we are pleased to share footage of an interview with Flusser on the historical Jesus that has recently come to light. The interview was conducted by Dr. Roy Blizzard as part of a television series entitled The Quest: In Search of the Jewish Jesus. In the interview Flusser discusses the language of Jesus, the importance of studying ancient Judaism of the Second Temple period for the understanding of Jesus’ message, and Jesus’ high self-awareness.
The Lindseys of Israel

This documentary, which was filmed in 1975, offers a rare glimpse into the life and work of Dr. Robert L. Lindsey.
Evidence for Hebrew Roots of Matthew 1:21

The oldest known manuscripts of the New Testament were written in Greek, but by comparing Matt. 1:21 in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek with the knowledge of the naming formula so common in the Hebrew Bible, we see that this verse only makes sense in Hebrew. Since the naming formula depends on a wordplay that does not work in Greek or Aramaic, Matt. 1:21, or the oral tradition behind it, had to be in Hebrew.
Video Clip: David N. Bivin on “The Value of Translating Matthew, Mark and Luke to Hebrew”

In this video Jerusalem Perspective‘s editor-in-chief, David Bivin, demonstrates how translating Jesus’ sayings into Hebrew can provide clearer insight into Jesus’ message.
The Major Importance of the “Minor” Agreements

In this article, Dr. Robert Lindsey discusses the importance of the so-called “minor agreements” of Luke and Matthew against Mark for properly understanding the interrelationship of the Synoptic Gospels. David N. Bivin and Joshua N. Tilton collaborated with Lauren Asperschlager to bring this article, which previously existed only as an unfinished draft, to Jerusalem Perspective subscribers.
Video Clip: Randall Buth on “A Hebraic Approach to the Resurrection of Jesus”

In this video clip, Randall Buth discusses the Hebrew background to the resurrection narratives in the Synoptic Gospels.
Notley Lecture: “Between the Chairs: New Testament Evidence for the Hebrew Jesus Spoke”

Dr. R. Steven Notley is a contributor to Jerusalem Perspective and member of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research. He is Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Nyack College in New York. In this lecture Dr. Notley discusses examples of how the Hebrew language influenced the Greek text of the canonical Gospels.
LOY Excursus: The Kingdom of Heaven in the Life of Yeshua

In this excursus to the Life of Yeshua commentary, David N. Bivin and Joshua N. Tilton delve into the ancient Jewish concept of the Kingdom of Heaven and discuss the ways in which Jesus made use of this concept in his own unique style.
The Pope, the Prime Minister, and the Jerusalem School

During his recent tour of the Holy Land, Pope Francis shared his views on the language of Jesus with Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Jerusalem School scholars weigh in on the debate.
LOY Excursus: Greek Transliterations of Hebrew, Aramaic and Hebrew/Aramaic Words in the Synoptic Gospels

One of the clues that the Synoptic Gospels descended from a Hebrew Life of Yeshua is the number of foreign words that were transliterated into Greek from either Hebrew or Aramaic (it is often impossible to distinguish Hebrew from Aramaic in Greek transliteration).
“Treasure in Heaven”: Examining an Ancient Idiom for Charity

The growing value placed on charity in the first century C.E. cannot be overstated. As a new sensitivity developed within Judaism that challenged the compensatory “blessings and curses” paradigm of the Hebrew Bible (cf. Deut. 28) as a basis to serve God, so there was a shifting emphasis towards altruistic love embodied in the Levitical commandment, “…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ אֲנִי יי; Lev. 19:18).”
1987 Interview with Dr. Robert Lindsey

In 1987 Robert Lindsey conducted an interview in which he discussed many aspects of his life and ministry. In the following clips Dr. Lindsey discusses the usefulness of knowing Hebrew for a proper understanding of Jesus’ message.