A scroll from the Judean Desert proves that the biblical Melchizedek was transformed into the eschatological high priest in some Jewish circles in the first century B.C.E.
Is Faith Contrary to Empirical Support?
The apostles possessed more empirical supports for their faith than we can ever hope to possess, and certainly their spiritual “report cards” did not suffer for the fact.
Blessed Be the “Name”!

We may have misunderstood, or partially misunderstood, many biblical expressions that contain the idiom, “the name of.”
The Strength of Weakness

Only when we realize our spiritual inability can God operate in us and through us. Only when we look to God rather than relying on our own strength can God use us. Even that is not enough. Not only must we recognize our weakness, we must be content with the situation and give God thanks for it.
New Testament Canon

While God had used individual writers to record the books themselves, the actual acceptance of those books as being from God was subject to a long transition, a process of testing.
The New Testament in Modern Hebrew

In this series Dr. Ray Pritz, head of the Bible Society in Israel, describes the challenges faced by the Society’s translation committee in rendering the synoptic Gospels into modern Hebrew, and some of the solutions it found.
“Prophet” as a Messianic Title

There can be little doubt that Jesus viewed himself as a prophet, and that many of his contemporaries concurred.