Новият завет посочва ясно, че Исус, като всички религиозни евреи от първи век, е носел цицийот. Това са пискюлите, които били прикрепяни към четирите ъгъла на нечия мантия, според заповедта в Числа 15 и Второзаконие 22. Спазването на тази заповед от страна на Исус е илюстрирано по един драматичен начин от историята на жената, която страдала от кръвоизлив в продължение на дванадесет години.
Външният вид на Исус: Прически и бради в библейски времена

Никой не знае със сигурност как е изглеждал Исус в очите на своите съвременници. Въпреки това има доказателства, които предполагат, че косата на Исус може да е била доста къса—черна или тъмна на цвят—и брадата му да е била късо подстригана.
Tangled up in Techēlet: Tzitzit (Ritual Tassels) in the Time of Jesus

Although the wearing of tzitzit is enjoined in Scripture, we do not find records of its actual observance until the Second Temple period.
Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory

Holiness and purity play a hidden role in the story commonly known as the Gerasene Demoniac.
Get the Real Deal with JP

Some of JP’s content has been plagiarized on another website. This unfortunate incident highlights the quality, value and usefulness of what you read on JP.
Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution

The story of John the Baptist’s martyrdom was rich with allusions to stories from the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Priority of Luke: An Exposition of Robert Lindsey’s Solution to the Synoptic Problem

The pioneering work of Robert L. Lindsey deserves more serious consideration from the scholarly community than it has heretofore received.
LOY Excursus: Mark’s Editorial Style

This LOY Excursus is a compendium of observations regarding the redactional changes the author of Mark typically made to his sources. It also discusses the image of Jesus the author of Mark wanted to portray in his Gospel.
Character Profile: Who Was John Mark?

Professor David Flusser on R. L. Lindsey’s “revolutionary step” in New Testament scholarship, showing that the Gospel of Mark, which made Jesus “less of a Jew,” was written latter than Luke.
Blessedness of the Twelve

Without a knowledge of the saying’s context, Jesus’ saying about eyes and ears and prophets and righteous men, seems quite prosaic. However, when it is understood that this saying deals with the Kingdom of Heaven, it becomes one of Jesus’ most exciting and dramatic statements.
Scripture Key to The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction

LOY pericopae in their scriptural order.
Introduction to The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction

Purpose and goals of the LOY Commentary.
Sidebar: Helen Twena Discusses the Salome Portrait on JP 55’s Cover

I portrayed Salome by means of a bold, modernistic collage.
With All Due Respect…

The relationship between a sage and his disciple may be characterized both as that of a father to his son, and of a master to his servant. In effect, a disciple indentured himself to his teacher. Traveling with and attending to him, a disciple remained with his teacher twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. The etiquette governing the teacher-disciple relationship is a fascinating subject. In this article, Shmuel Safrai explores one aspect of that relationship: To what extent could an advanced disciple differ from the opinions of his teacher?
Parables of Ill Repute

In rabbinic parables God could be portrayed as behaving in a morally ambiguous manner: he might be a cruel slave owner or a heartless judge. In a few Lukan parables, Jesus also portrayed God as behaving scandalously. Often unsettling for modern readers, such portrayals added humorous elements to the plot and heightened the dramatic effect.
The New International Jesus

Inaccuracy in translating either through ignorance or because of an obscure manuscript reading is to be expected, but to skew wittingly due to academic bias or religious tendentiousness smirches the reputation of a venerable profession.
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