On the occasion of what would have been Prof. David Flusser’s 98th birthday (Sept. 15), we are pleased to share footage of an interview with Flusser on the historical Jesus that has recently come to light. The interview was conducted by Dr. Roy Blizzard as part of a television series entitled The Quest: In Search of the Jewish Jesus. In the interview Flusser discusses the language of Jesus, the importance of studying ancient Judaism of the Second Temple period for the understanding of Jesus’ message, and Jesus’ high self-awareness.
1987 Interview with Dr. Robert Lindsey

In 1987 Robert Lindsey conducted an interview in which he discussed many aspects of his life and ministry. In the following clips Dr. Lindsey discusses the usefulness of knowing Hebrew for a proper understanding of Jesus’ message.
Lindsey Interview Rediscovered!

On May 11, 1970 in Richmond, Virginia, Ms. Johnni Johnson of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention conducted an interview with Dr. Lindsey shortly after the publication of his groundbreaking work, A Hebrew Translation of the Gospel of Mark. In the interview entitled “R. L. Lindsey’s Source Theory of the Gospels,” Dr. Lindsey reveals many of the insights he had gained into the origins of the Synoptic Gospels from translating Mark’s Gospel from the original Greek to Modern Hebrew.
Edmund Wilson on David Flusser

[Professor Flusser] was dynamic, imaginative, passionately interested.
Interview with Professor David Flusser

In 1977 David Flusser was interviewed for a BBC documentary produced by Peter Armstrong entitled, “Who Was Jesus?” An excerpt of this documentary was recently made available to the public. Watch a clip of Flusser’s interview below.
1987 Television Interview with Robert Lindsey

View a 1987 television appearance of Rev. Dr. Robert L. Lindsey in which he shares his understanding of Jesus’ concept of the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus’ division of redemption history into three distinct periods.
An Interview with Dwight A. Pryor

January 2009 marked the 25th anniversary of The Center for Judaic-Christian Studies. In the following interview, the Center’s founder, Dwight Pryor, surveys his life’s journey, and reflects on the dangers inherent in the “Jewish Roots” movement. Dwight’s words are a clarion call to those who are part of this renewal, and a sobering warning to those who would abuse the fledgling movement.
An Interview with Barbara Chambers, JP Office Administrator
You may have received a letter from her. Or maybe you met her at a conference or workshop. In one way or another, she has had a part in your connection with Jerusalem Perspective. Her name is Barbara Chambers and she has been our office administrator since the end of 1994.