Research by Robert L. Lindsey has helped clarify the process by which gospel texts were preserved and transmitted. Luke desired, he said in his prologue, to present to Theophilus an “orderly” account. Such ordering is to be noted in Matthew and Mark, as well. These attempts at ordering help us understand why so many of the synoptic gospel stories appear in a different chronological order from gospel to gospel.
Jesus and the Oral Torah: Did Jesus Wear Phylacteries?

The Gospels attest to the fact that Jesus had tassels on the four corners of his outer robe (Matt. 9:20; 14:36; Mark 6:56; Luke 8:44). Although there is no explicit evidence in the Gospels, we have reason to suggest that he also may have worn phylacteries.
How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?

Jesus said he would remain in the grave until the third day after his death. If Jesus was buried on late Friday afternoon, how long would he have had to remain in the tomb to fulfill his prophecy about his resurrection?
Jesus and the Oral Torah: The Hem of His Garment

The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus, like all observant Jews of the first century, wore tsitsiyot. These are the tassels that were attached to the four corners of one’s robe as commanded in Numbers 15 and Deuteronomy 22. Jesus’ observance of this commandment is dramatically illustrated by the story of the woman who suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years.
Jesus and the Oral Torah: Tithing

Did Jesus observe the commandment to tithe as it was interpreted in the Oral Torah?
Jesus and the Oral Torah: The Unutterable Name of God

To avoid the risk of employing the divine name irreverently, the sages ruled that one should not utter it at all.
The Syndicated Donkey

Randall Buth may have discovered a significant idiom in the Greek text of Luke. This idiom could help us in determining the original language of Jesus’ biography. In Luke 19:33, did the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday have more that one owner as the Greek text states?
Jesus and the Oral Torah: Blessing

There is evidence that Jesus adhered to the rulings of the Oral Torah in his use of various blessings.
Jesus and the Oral Torah: Written and Oral Torah

The Torah was given by God as a guideline for a whole way of life.
“Prophet” as a Messianic Title

There can be little doubt that Jesus viewed himself as a prophet, and that many of his contemporaries concurred.
Jesus in Judea

Robert Lindsey believed that there is sufficient evidence in Matthew, Mark and Luke to support the existence of Jesus’ Judean ministry.
Semitic Background to the Nain Story

The short account of the resurrection of the widow’s son in Nain has a very Semitic feeling. If the Nain story was written originally in Greek, it is a very semitically flavored Greek. Several linguistic features of this story suggest that it may have been written originally in Hebrew.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 2: Jesus’ Hebrew Name (Part 2)

Many of Jesus’ words were spoken against a profoundly Hebraic background. We believe that a knowledge of Hebrew is central to understanding much of what Jesus said, and what was written about him in the Gospels. This is the second of a series of articles about the Hebrew language. Hopefully, these “nuggets” will encourage you to explore the riches Hebrew study can offer to those who want to understand the Bible more fully. The second sound in Jesus’ Hebrew name, יֵשׁוּעַ (ye·SHU·a‘), is a vowel. Hebrew vowels are represented by signs that are placed under, or sometimes, to the left of consonants (letters). A vowel is pronounced after the consonant that carries its sign.
Was Jesus a Confirmed Bachelor?

Jesus still relatively young when he was crucified. His death may have come before he had a chance to marry.