A collection of stories about Jesus’ healing power and the controversy it provoked.
Halakha in the Gospels

The Gospels describe Jesus and his followers as keeping halakha to a relatively high extent; they were a group to whom the law was important.
The Social Jesus: Beyond an Individualist Reading of the Capernaum Synagogue Incident

In the social reading of the Capernaum Synagogue incident Jesus restores the tattered fabric of the community, exchanging the way things were for a newer and better way.
Teaching in Kefar Nahum

A clash between entrenched demonic powers and one proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.
Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory

Holiness and purity play a hidden role in the story commonly known as the Gerasene Demoniac.
Praying Like Gentiles

What can Jesus’ warnings against praying like Gentiles teach us about Jesus’ relationship to Second Temple Judaism and his attitude toward non-Jews?
Return of the Twelve

When Jesus’ twelve emissaries to Israel returned from their mission, thrilled by their success at exorcising demons, Jesus described to them a vision of the expulsion of Satan from heaven. The vision’s message was double-edged: on the one hand, the downfall of the angelic prince meant that the way was opened for the redemption of Israel; on the other hand, having fallen to earth, Satan was about to unleash his fury against God’s chosen people.