Scripture does not record a single word Joseph ever spoke. But Joseph’s example of quiet faithfulness encouraged others to trust God.
Jesus, His Mother and Brothers: A Test Case for Lindsey’s Hypothesis

How does Lindsey’s solution to the Synoptic Problem measure up when applied to the story of “Jesus, His Mother and Brothers”? Watch this video to find out.
A Woman’s Misplaced Blessing

When a woman in the crowd praised Jesus’ person, he redirected her attention to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is realized through the doing of God’s word.
Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers

Did Jesus reject his natural family in favor of a spiritual kinship, or did he pay Mary and his brothers the highest possible compliment?
Did women go through a mikveh (ritual immersion pool) after childbirth?

Scripture seems to say nothing about a woman washing herself either after childbirth or after her monthly period.
Jesus’ Devout Jewish Parents and Their Child Prodigy

In the infancy narrative found in chapters one and two of Luke’s gospel, Luke has provided excellent character references for Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Jesus’ mother and father show piety far beyond the usual, and the young Jesus is eager to be in the temple studying Torah with the teachers of Israel.
No Room in the Inn?

What was an inn like at the time of Jesus’ birth? Did it provide separate rooms, or was it like a dormitory with one big room?
What Kind of Blessing Is That?

In some cases a more informed understanding of the original setting of the Gospels can be communicated easily in a translation. A good translation will reflect that fuller, culturally appropriate understanding.