The Herodium is a great place to bring people who are exploring the Holy Land for the first time. I always felt that the site spoke eloquently to visitors of both the brilliance and madness of Herod the Great.
Yad Hashmona: Don’t Miss It on Your Next Trip to Israel!

JP’s editor-in-chief, David Bivin and his wife Josa recently moved to a new home at Yad Hasmona. In this post Josa Bivin gives a virtual tour of the unique community where she and David now live.
Jesus’ Final Journey to Jerusalem

Trace the route of Jesus’ final pilgrimage to Jerusalem with Todd Bolen.
Enemies of the Harvest

In his famous Parable of the Sower, Jesus referred to seed sown in soil that was full of thistles. What did these thistles look like, and how did they succeed in choking the grain plants?
What Was Simon Peter Wearing When He Plunged into the Sea?

Was Peter actually fishing naked, or was he merely “stripped to the waist,” as the Living Bible says? And what did he put on before swimming to Jesus?
Gergesa: Site of the Demoniac’s Healing

The recent discovery of many of the ancient harbors that ringed the Sea of Galilee is an exciting chapter in Sea of Galilee research. One of these harbors is located at Kursi, ancient Gergesa. In this article, Mendel Nun contends that the demoniac’s healing and the miracle of the swine took place at Gergesa, not Gadara or Gerasa.
Reading the Landscape: Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel

Neot Kedumim is dedicated to exploring and demonstrating the ties between the biblical tradition and the nature and agriculture of the land of Israel, as expressed in Jewish and Christian prayers, holidays and symbols. The reserve’s reconstructed biblical landscapes are open to guided and self-guided tours by groups and individuals.
Streams of Living Water: The Feast of Tabernacles and the Holy Spirit

This year the festival of Sukkot, or Tabernacles, takes place on October 9—16. JERUSALEM PERSPECTIVE has asked the famous biblical landscape reserve, Neot Kedumim, to provide our readers with some of the reserve’s wonderful insights into this festival, and Neot Kedumim staff member Beth Uval has contributed the following.
Beating the (Thorny) Bushes

Bushes, thistles, briars and brambles are a thorny subject for English translators and expositors of the Hebrew Bible. It seems that the Greek writers of the Gospels did not have a soft time with them either.
Sea of Galilee Museum Opens Its Doors

A unique museum now awaits the visitor to Israel—Beit Ha-Oganim (House of the Anchors). Located at Kibbutz Ein Gev on the Sea of Galilee’s eastern shore, the new museum’s exhibits are a delight to the eye and a learning experience par excellence.
Lilies of the Field

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus mentioned “lilies of the field.” Tulips, poppies, daisies and other wildflowers have been suggested as candidates for “lilies of the field.” In this photo essay we discover the subtleties of his message about these beautiful, short lifespan flowers.
The Wealth of Herod the Great

King Herod built on a scale that surpassed even the rulers of the Roman empire. Magen Broshi explains how this administrative genius was able to fund monumental building projects both within and without his kingdom.
Trees of Life

Today it is the custom of the Ashkenazim to equip Torah scrolls with wooden handles called “Trees of Life.” It is often assumed that this also was the practice in Jesus’ time. Professor Safrai sets the record straight.
The Sea of Galilee

According to the Gospels, Jesus’ earthly ministry centered around the Sea of Galilee. While important events occurred in Jerusalem, the Lord spent most of the three years of his ministry along the shore of this freshwater lake.