Determining the date of any particular Gospel is a difficult task.
I’ve just discovered the Jewish roots of my Christian faith. What should I read to learn more?

We have a number of book suggestions and online resources for you to get started!
The Numbers Game: Bible Codes (Numerology and Gematria)

Biblical writers infrequently consciously used numerical patterns or codes in their compositions.
The “King James Only” Debate

Have you read a book called New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger? She claims that the only reliable translation of the Bible is the King James Version.
Is the Search for Literary Sources of the Synoptic Gospels Futile?

Indeed, the search for literary sources that may be reflected in a piece of writing can be risky business. In the case of the Synoptic Gospels, however, we possess multiple accounts of the same events—events that originally occurred in a Hebrew-speaking environment, but were eventually recorded in Greek.
What is the meaning of “firstborn male” in Luke 2:23?

Is the consecration of the boy only done if he is the firstborn? Or is it done if he is simply the oldest?
How should Jesus’ Hebrew name be transliterated to English?

I was puzzled by David Bivin’s January/February column (“Understanding the Roots of the Bible”) [in Ministries Today (Strang Communications, Lake Mary, Florida)] inasmuch as Bivin makes a case against spelling the name Y’shua with an apostrophe.
Did women go through a mikveh (ritual immersion pool) after childbirth?

Scripture seems to say nothing about a woman washing herself either after childbirth or after her monthly period.
Are you suggesting that the canon of Scripture is incomplete?

There is something scary in the suggestion that there may be an additional Gospel. The canon of Scripture is, after all, complete. And I hope you don’t suggest otherwise.
Matthew 24:20: Why did Jesus advise people to pray that their flight not be on the Sabbath?

If one had to flee on the Sabbath one would be forced to leave behind nearly all of one’s possessions.
Did Jews in the first century know their tribal affiliation?

The New Testament mentions individuals who belonged to this or that tribe. Did Jews in the first century know their tribal affiliation, and did it affect people’s daily life in any way?
What is your reaction to the Jesus Seminar’s work?

Scholars of the Jesus Seminar are strongly influenced by the theory of dissimilarity.
What is the significance of the two Greek words for “love” in John 21:15-17?

Does Hebrew have two words that would differentiate between the love of Christ for Peter and Peter’s love for Christ?
Does JP agree with Bultmann that the Gospel accounts are not historically accurate?

Both Jewish and Christian members of the School take very seriously the stories in the Gospels.
Has a Hebrew Gospel Been Found?

Although the church fathers testify that Matthew wrote the words of Jesus in Hebrew, not a single fragment of an early Hebrew manuscript containing Jesus’ sayings has survived from the first centuries of the Christian era.