The detailed description of Jesus’ visit to the Nazareth synagogue found in Luke 4:16-21 provides substantial information about synagogue life and customs in the early first century C.E. An examination of this passage will help us understand Jesus more clearly and accurately. This account in Luke’s Gospel agrees with other contemporary and especially rabbinic sources. Together they provide a complete picture of the synagogue in that period.
Pilgrimage in the Time of Jesus

During the Second Temple period pilgrimage was associated with the festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.
John the Nazirite

The Mishnah seems to indicate that the vow to abstain even from specific parts of the grape implies acceptance of the entire nazirite regimen. According to Nazir 1:2, even if one vows: “I will abstain from eating grape seeds and grape skins…, he becomes a nazirite.”
At the Feet of a Sage

Jewish sages and their disciples were dependent upon the hospitality of the communities they visited.
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