Tax collectors were especially hated because they increased their profit by collecting more taxes than their masters actually demanded.
Your Money or Your Life

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Jesus’ reply to the question about paying taxes to Caesar is that Jesus disarms his opponents and at the same time places a total demand on them.
Pilgrimage in the Time of Jesus

During the Second Temple period pilgrimage was associated with the festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.
The Role of Women in the Temple

According to Jewish religious law, women were allowed in every area of the Temple precincts in which men were allowed.
A Priest of the Division of Abijah

The priestly division of Abijah was named after one of the priests who returned to the land of Israel with Zerubbabel and Jeshua (Nehemiah 12:4). This was the priestly division to which Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father, belonged.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 12: menorah (Part 1)

Menorah is one of the many Hebrew words that have entered the English language.